What things in life use space technology

What things in life use space technology

Space technology is closely related to our daily life. According to a list of the National Space Administration, more than 700 achievements in space exploration have been applied to people's daily life. The application of space technology in modern medicine is remarkable: laser angiography, a new generation of cardiac pacemaker, infrared thermometer, thermal sensor, etc

What objects in life are examples of the combination of art and science?
What are the objects in life that combine art with science?
Please give an example of success and a failure,
thank you!

Physics is a graph of refraction of time

What is the basis of science and technology in our life
For example, people make airplanes based on birds

For example, bats, according to the sonar principle of bats, we made radar
For example, snake, we made infrared thermal display
For example, fish, there is a bubble in the fish, which can adjust the up and down settlement. We made submarines
And so on, small tools in life. For example, the saw was invented based on a kind of grass. Because it was scratched by the grass carelessly, it would bleed. Carefully take off a leaf and look at the dense serrations on the edge. In this way, the saw was invented

What changes have technological progress brought to our lives

Obviously, transportation, do you still need the year and month of a long time ago to fly around the world? You can reach the other half of the earth the next day
Contact, now the network really do "we don't go out, can know the world things";
Clothing, ever-changing, colorful, a variety of new materials emerge in endlessly
A lot of dangerous jobs are done by robots
The development of science and technology has brought us a lot of convenience

What are the definition and properties of axisymmetry
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If a figure is folded along a straight line, and the figures on both sides can be completely coincident, the figure is an axisymmetric figure. The line where the crease is located is called the axis of symmetry. In fact, the axis of symmetry is a straight line! The definition of vertical bisector of a line segment: the line that is vertical and bisectors a line segment is called the vertical bisector of the line segment

What are the properties of axisymmetric defining elements?

If a figure is folded along a straight line, the figures on both sides of the line can completely coincide, the figure is an axisymmetric figure. Axis of symmetry: the line where the crease is located is called the axis of symmetry

What does rolling program mean?
There is a "scroll program" option in the custom start menu. What do you mean? Let me know,

The program that should be displayed in the start menu will change its display position according to the frequency of use

The problem of generalization of the concept of angle
(square of Tan α - square of cot α) / (square of sin α - square of cos α) + 1 / (square of cos α) - 1 / (square of sin α)

The original formula = (T ^ 4-1) / (S & sup2; T & sup2; - S & sup2;) + (S & sup2; + C & sup2;) / C & sup2; - (S & sup2; + C & sup2;) / S & sup2; = (T & sup2; + 1) / S & sup2; + T & sup2; + 1-1 / T & sup2; = 1 / C & sup2; S & sup2; + (T ^ 4-1) / T & sup2; = 1 / C & sup2; S & sup2; + (s ^ 4-C ^ 4) / C & sup2; s

What is the definition of symmetry axis figure, rotation symmetry figure, center symmetry figure?

Axisymmetric: if a figure is folded along a straight line and its ends are completely coincident, such a figure is called an axisymmetric figure and this straight line is called the axis of symmetry
Rotational symmetry: a figure can coincide with itself after rotating a certain angle (less than the circumference) around a certain point
Centrosymmetry: a figure is rotated 180 ° around a certain point. If the rotated figure coincides with the original figure, the figure is called centrosymmetry

After a figure is rotated, what changes is ()
A. Center of rotation B. size of figure C. shape of figure D. position of figure

Before and after a figure rotates around the center of rotation, the size, shape and center of rotation of the figure remain unchanged, only the position changes