Specific application examples of Doppler effect? Please do not be too complicated, simple and practical examples

Specific application examples of Doppler effect? Please do not be too complicated, simple and practical examples

1、 This Doppler effect is also used by the radar speedometer to check the speed of motor vehicles. The traffic police send electromagnetic waves with known frequency, usually infrared rays, to the moving vehicles. At the same time, they measure the frequency of the reflected waves. The speed of the vehicles can be known according to the change of the frequency of the reflected waves

The Doppler effect is explained and its application is illustrated with examples

Doppler effect is named in memory of Austrian physicist and mathematician Christian Johann Doppler, who first put forward this theory in 1842. The main contents are as follows: the wavelength of radiation from an object changes because of the relative motion between the wave source and the observer

What are the phenomena that pollute the environment in our daily life

White pollution (disposable plastic belt, plastic cup, because these things are not easy to rot into organic matter and some people with poor environmental awareness throw away, leading to unable to recycle, so it is a big problem worthy of all people's attention