Strange phenomena in life? It must be based on facts

Strange phenomena in life? It must be based on facts

Walk in a straight line, walk a long distance, you will find that you are not walking in a straight line, but in an arc. Close your eyes and feel that you are walking in a straight line. Slowly, you will find that this is a strange phenomenon
The south side of the train track is more worn than the other
Aurora is also a strange phenomenon

A strange phenomenon of life physics
Why is there water mist in winter, but not when blowing. (I'm in the South)
Is the temperature of blowing and breathing different? Not all of them are blown from the human body. They are the same. You can feel them with your hands - the temperature of blowing is higher than that of breathing
1. Why in winter, there will be water mist when blowing, but there won't be water mist when blowing
2. Oh, why is the temperature of air blowing higher than that of air blowing

These two are actually one problem
When you blow air, the air flow speed is much faster than that of the breath, so the gas convection is also fast. In the process of convection, the temperature of water vapor in the blown air drops rapidly to the same or close to the ambient temperature, so there is no water mist or obvious water mist, but the water vapor in the exhaled air is still 37 degrees
At the same time, the content of water vapor in the blown gas is also low

What strange natural landscapes are there

The aurora borealis is the most peculiar natural landscape in the world. Now scientists have solved the mystery of this natural wonder. For hundreds of years, the beautiful aurora over the Arctic has been a mystery, but researchers now have a more comprehensive understanding of their causes. When an electronic tornado hits the earth and touches the upper ionosphere of the atmosphere, it will bring about a great impact on the earth, These tornadoes, which are generated by huge solar particle clouds, travel at more than one million miles per hour. Solar particle clouds slowly accumulate up to 40000 miles above the earth's surface, and when they are stimulated by the electric charges they carry, they produce cyclones. Astronomers have long known that when the solar particle stream and the solar wind touch the earth's magnetic field, the solar particle stream will generate a tornado, But a research group, including Karl Henz glasmeier, a professor at the Institute of Geophysics and cosmophysics in Brunswick, Germany, now knows how the earth's magnetic field captures the sun's particles on the sun's surface before deflecting them to the earth's shady side, The researchers used five NASA satellites to monitor the aurora borealis, The five satellites are part of the Themis project. They presented their findings in detail at the meeting of the European Union of Earth Sciences in Vienna last week, And show what a spectacular natural landscape they are. "
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