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Is an isosceles triangle an axisymmetric figure? Where is the axis of symmetry?

Yes, the axis of symmetry is the height on the bottom edge

The axis of symmetry of the angle is______ The axis of symmetry of the line segment is______ .

The axis of symmetry of an angle is the line where the angular bisector of the angle is located, and there is only one axis of symmetry; the axis of symmetry of a line segment is the vertical line of the line segment and the line itself, and there are two axes of symmetry; so the answer is: the line where the angular bisector is located; the vertical line and the line itself

The properties of axisymmetry: 1. The line segment connected by the corresponding point is called the axis of symmetry______ (2) corresponding line segment______ Corresponding angle______ (3) two axisymmetric figures______ (4) the intersection point of the corresponding line segment______ On

According to the properties of axisymmetric graphs, the lines of corresponding points are vertically bisected by the axis of symmetry; the corresponding line segments of axisymmetric graphs are equal; the corresponding angles are equal; the two axisymmetric graphs are completely coincident; the intersection of the corresponding line segments is on the axis of symmetry

How many axes of symmetry are there for line, ray, line segment and point
Straight line, ray, line segment and point each have several symmetry axes. Explain the reason
OK, there will be additional points
Is the line of ray and line itself their axis of symmetry?
Is the line itself its axis of symmetry?

There are countless straight lines, and any line perpendicular to it is its axis of symmetry
The ray doesn't, it's infinitely long to one side, and it can't find the center of the line
There is one line segment, which is its vertical bisector
There are also countless points, and any line passing through this point is its axis of symmetry

Is the axis of symmetry a straight line or a line segment?

The axis of symmetry is a straight line

Rays have______ There is an axis of symmetry, which is______ .

According to the properties of axisymmetric figure and ray, it is concluded that ray has a symmetry axis, which is the straight line of ray

How many axes of symmetry does an isosceles triangle have at most?

There are only two kinds of symmetry axes of isosceles triangle
1. Ordinary isosceles triangle: at this time, there is only one axis of symmetry, which is also the middle perpendicular of the bottom
2. Equilateral triangle: there is no need to say more about the shape of an equilateral triangle. Each side can be the bottom and has three axes of symmetry

Is the symmetry axis of isosceles triangle a straight line or a line segment?

Straight line
As long as the axis of symmetry is a straight line