For the regular triangle ABC whose side length is 6, establish the right angle coordinate system and write out the coordinates of each point

For the regular triangle ABC whose side length is 6, establish the right angle coordinate system and write out the coordinates of each point

The image is below and the coordinates are next to it

Given point a (- 5,0) and point B (3,0) 1. Is there a point C after Y-axis so that the area of △ ABC is exactly equal to 8? If so, request point C
Coordinates, if not, please explain the reason
2. Find a point P in the coordinate plane so that the area of △ PAB equals 8. How many such points are there? What are their characteristics

There is a point C whose coordinates are (2,0) or (- 2,0)
2. There are innumerable P points, which can form two straight lines, y = 2 and y = - 2 respectively. We don't need to care about the coordinates of X, because the bottom edge of the triangle is 8, and the area is 8, so we only need to have a height of 2, regardless of whether it is 2 or - 2. The distance between y = 2 and y = - 2 on the X axis is 2