Xiaogang and Xiaoli jump rope. Xiaogang jumps 240 times. The number of Xiaoli is 3 / 8 of Xiaogang's. how many times did they jump together?

Xiaogang and Xiaoli jump rope. Xiaogang jumps 240 times. The number of Xiaoli is 3 / 8 of Xiaogang's. how many times did they jump together?

240 times 3 / 8 plus 240

Xiaogang walks a quarter more than Xiaoli, and Xiaoli walks a tenth more than Xiaogang. What's the speed ratio between Xiaogang and Xiaoli

Count s first
Xiaogang = Xiaoli + Xiaogang * quarter Xiaogang / Xiaoli = 4 / 3
Count t again
Xiaoli = Xiaogang + Xiaoli * one tenth of Xiaogang / Xiaoli = 9 / 10
And then divide s / T by the equation
5 / 6
You can set Xiaoli and Xiaogang's speed and time to four unknown numbers a, B, C and D. I remember this is an unknown number

Please design a rule of the game to make the game fair. (1) design the rule of the game with dice marked with 1 to 6. (2) design the rule of the game with playing cards. (3) design the rule of the game with other props

(1) There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 points on the six sides of the dice. If the number of points on the up side of the dice is greater than or equal to 4, the first wins; if it is less than 4, the second wins; (2) use the eight cards of 1-8 to smash them on the table, turn out one card at any time, turn to the odd number to calculate the first win, and turn to the even number to calculate the second win; (3) toss an even coin at will, face up to the first win, no B wins