There are four playing cards with 10, 9, 8, 7 points. Dongdong and Jiajia touch once respectively. Who has the most points wins? Is the game fair? Please explain the reason

There are four playing cards with 10, 9, 8, 7 points. Dongdong and Jiajia touch once respectively. Who has the most points wins? Is the game fair? Please explain the reason

Dongdongjiajia, dongdongjiajia
10——9 9——10
10——8 8——10
10——7 7——10
9——8 8——9
9——7 7——9
8——7 7——8
Dongdong wins 6, Jiajia wins 6

Weighing 6.5 grams of salt, Xiaoli put the medicine on the right plate, Xiaona put the medicine on the left plate, 1 gram below with swim code, they respectively weighed the actual mass

The right way: the mass of the object = the mass of the weight + the mass of the swimming weight
Wrong placement: the mass of the weight = the mass of the object + the mass of the swimming weight
The weight is 6G and the weight is 0.5g, so the quality of the article is 6-0.5 = 5.5
If you put it wrong, you can use it next time: subtract the decimal part from the integer part

Xiaoli has 306 stamps, three times as many as Xiaoming
