Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang start from home at the same time. Xiaohong walks 52 meters per minute and Xiaoqiang 70 meters per minute. They meet at a on the way. If Xiaohong starts 4 minutes ahead of schedule and Xiaoqiang walks 90 meters per minute, they still meet at a. how many meters are Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang's homes apart?

Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang start from home at the same time. Xiaohong walks 52 meters per minute and Xiaoqiang 70 meters per minute. They meet at a on the way. If Xiaohong starts 4 minutes ahead of schedule and Xiaoqiang walks 90 meters per minute, they still meet at a. how many meters are Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang's homes apart?

Originally, the speed ratio of Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang was 52:70 = 26:35, then Xiaoqiang walked the whole course of 3561 when they met; later, the speed ratio of Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang was 52:90 = 26:45, when they met, Xiaoqiang also walked the whole course of 3561, then Xiaohong walked the whole course of 3561 × 2645 × = 18 after Xiaoqiang started