The radius of the earth is 6370 km, and the radius of table tennis is about 2 cm. Using scientific notation, the radius of table tennis is a fraction of the radius of the earth-- Results two significant numbers are retained

The radius of the earth is 6370 km, and the radius of table tennis is about 2 cm. Using scientific notation, the radius of table tennis is a fraction of the radius of the earth-- Results two significant numbers are retained

2/(0.637*10^9)=1/(3.1*10^9 )

The radius of the earth is about 6370 km = how many meters = how many centimeters

6370km = 63700000m = 63700000cm

The radius of the earth is about 6370km, which is expressed by scientific notation______ m.

The 6370km is expressed as 6.37 × 106m by scientific notation, so the answer is: 6.37 × 106m