Is the shape of the earth like an apple or a ping-pong ball

Is the shape of the earth like an apple or a ping-pong ball

Like an apple, not a regular ball!

If the earth is compressed to the size of a ping-pong ball, there is no doubt that the mass and gravity will not change, and the density will be very high. If the earth is compressed to the size of a ping-pong ball, will the earth become a black hole?

According to Schwartz radius, the ratio of minimum volume and density of black hole is R / M = 2G / C ^ 2, and because the relationship between mass and density and radius of sphere is m = 4nur ^ 3 / 3 (n PI, u is the average density of matter), the relationship between radius and minimum density of black hole is R ^ 2 = 3C ^ 2 / 8gnu = 1.61

Is the size ratio of atom to table tennis equal to the size ratio of table tennis to the earth?

The atomic radius is 10 ~ - 10m, table tennis is 10 ~ - 2m, the earth is 10 ~ 6m, the proportion is almost the same