How to stress analysis

How to stress analysis

1. Force analysis: find out the external force of the specified object (research object) in the specific physical situation, and draw the force diagram, which is the force analysis. 2. General steps of force analysis: (1) select the research object: the object can be a single object or a system. (2) isolation: separate the research object from the surrounding objects

Throw a small ball vertically from the position 3M above the ground. It rises 5m, falls back, and finally reaches the ground (as shown in the figure). Set up the coordinate system with the ground and throw point as the origin, and the direction is upward. Fill in the following table The setting of the coordinate origin the coordinates of the starting point the coordinates of the highest point the coordinates of the landing point the displacement of the rising process the displacement of the falling process the total displacement of the whole process takes the ground as the origin____________________________________ Take the throw point as the origin____________________________________

According to the diagram, the position coordinates and displacement of the object are shown in the following table: the setting of the coordinate origin, the coordinates of the starting point, the coordinates of the highest point, the coordinates of the landing point, the displacement of the rising process, the displacement of the falling process, the total displacement of the whole process, with the ground as the origin, 3m8m0m2m-5m-3m, and the throwing point as the origin, 0m5m-3m5m-8m-3m

On the calculation of velocity, acceleration, displacement, etc
I really can't do this kind of speed problem in physics of grade one in senior high school. There are too many formulas, I don't know which one to use, I don't know how to calculate, I don't know the time period, and so on
Physics experts give me a move?

First of all, make clear the concepts, such as which is a vector and which is a scalar; what is acceleration; what is displacement, etc
Then remember the concept and corresponding symbols, such as acceleration corresponding to a, displacement corresponding to s, etc
Then recite the formula
Finally, find a few very simple questions to practice. Familiar with the difficult questions
This is a process of gradual accumulation
Step by step, you'll understand