Calculation method of circumference of semicircle

Calculation method of circumference of semicircle


Find the circumference of each circle below and specify how it is calculated
r=1.5cm d=9cm r=4m

Perimeter = 2pai * r = 2 * Pai * 1.5 = 3pai
The second is 9pai
The third is 8pai

How to calculate the circumference of a circle

The circumference formula of a circle is the ratio of circumference times diameter
The area of the largest square in a circle can be calculated as follows:
The two diagonals divide the square into four small isosceles right triangles. The area is radius multiplied by radius divided by 2
Then the area of the four small triangles is 4 * radius * radius / 2 = 2R * r

How to calculate the circumference of a circle

Perimeter = diameter * π
PI 3.14x radius x2
PI 3.14x diameter

How to calculate the circumference of a circle

The circumference of a circle
(C perimeter, R radius)
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What is the circumference of a circle

Circumference of circle = 3.14x diameter of circle = 2x3.14x radius of circle
That is: C = π d = 2 π R

Try to find real numbers a, B, C so that the function
Try to find the real numbers a, B, C so that the adjacent distances of the function Y1 = x & sup2; + ax + B, y2 = x & sup2; + BX + A and the four intersections of X axis are equal
Using junior high school knowledge

Let Y1 intersect X axis with X1 and X2 (x1 > x2), and let Y2 intersect X axis with X3 and X4 (X3 > x4)
1. When the intersection of Y1 and Y2 on the X axis is not staggered, that is, X1 > x2 > X3 > X4 (the two intersections of Y1 are on the right side of the two intersections of Y2), or X4 > X3 > x2 > X1 (the two intersections of Y2 are on the right side of the two intersections of Y1)
There is a distance formula to calculate a = B, which is not consistent with the assumption, so this case does not hold
2. When Y1 and Y2 intersect at the intersection of X axis, namely X1 > X3 > x2 > X4 or X3 > X1 > X4 > x2
When X1 > X3 > x2 > x4,
Because the distance between two adjacent intersections is equal, so x1-x3 = x3-x2 = x2-x4, we can see that X3 is the midpoint of X1 and X2, that is to say, X3 is on the central axis of Y2, that is, the point (- A / 2,0) passes Y2
a^2/4-ab/2+a=0 ………… (formula 1)
Similarly, X2 is the midpoint of X3 and X4. If the point (- B / 2,0) passes through Y1, the following results will be obtained:
b^2/4-ab/2+b=0 ………… (formula 2)
The solution to equation 1 and equation 2 is as follows
A = 0, B = 4 or
a=4 b=0

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