The symbol (x) represents the smallest positive integer greater than or equal to x, such as: (0.3) equals 1, (3.2) equals 4, (5) equals 5. Then (1 / 2) equals ------; (6.01) equals ------;

The symbol (x) represents the smallest positive integer greater than or equal to x, such as: (0.3) equals 1, (3.2) equals 4, (5) equals 5. Then (1 / 2) equals ------; (6.01) equals ------;

(1 / 2) equals 1; (6.01) equals 7

First semester of mathematics, help
How many hours does it take for a train with a total length of 160m to cross a 400m long tunnel at a speed of 20m per hour, from the front of the train to the rear of the train to leave the tunnel?
A. 8:00
B. 12:00
C. 20:00
D. 28:00

What a slow train!
The answer is d.28 hours
Because it's 160m from the front to the rear of the car, and the tunnel is 400m long, it's 560m in total,
Divide it by 20 m / h to get 28 H

There are 5 exercises of multiplying fraction by fraction and 5 exercises of multiplying integer by fraction

1 and 3 / 5 * 1 and 7 / 8 =?
1 and 12 of 11 * 1 and 23 of 13 =?
2012 * △ 2012 and 2012 =?
19 and 4 / 5 × (- 10) =?
-1 and 2 / 3 / 3 / 4 * (- 0.6) * 1 and 3 / 4 / 1.4 * (- 2 / 5) =?
1993 divided by 1993 and 1995 / 1993 =?