Score multiplied by score, with () multiplied by (), () multiplied by (), get (urgent)

Score multiplied by score, with () multiplied by (), () multiplied by (), get (urgent)

To multiply (denominator) by (denominator) to get (denominator) and (numerator) by (numerator) to get (numerator)

How to multiply fractions by integers
Question: 6 out of 11 × 2 out of 9 × 66
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Methods: multiplication of numerator and numerator, multiplication of denominator and denominator, reducible offer score, simplification
6 out of 11 × 2 out of 9 × 66
=6x2/11x9 x66
=6x2x66 / 11x9
=72 / 9 (the numerator and denominator are about 9.)

For the sake of simplicity, you need to first () and then multiply it. Because integers can be regarded as (), the rule of multiplying fractions by fractions is also applicable

In order to simplify the multiplication of fractions by fractions, we must first (reduce) fractions and then multiply them. Because integers can be regarded as fractions whose denominator is 1, the principle of multiplying fractions by fractions is also applicable to the multiplication of integers by fractions

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