A formula for calculating the top or bottom or height of trapezoid

A formula for calculating the top or bottom or height of trapezoid

Area = (upper bottom + lower bottom) * height / 2
Height = 2 * area / (upper bottom + lower bottom)
Upper bottom = 2 * area / height - lower bottom
Bottom = 2 * area / height - Top

Known isosceles trapezoid upper and lower bottom are 6,18, hypotenuse 10, what is the formula for height
If can have sine, cosine formula is best, ha ha

Sine sine a = the opposite side of angle a is larger than the upper hypotenuse
Cosine cosa = the opposite side of angle a is greater than the adjacent right angle side (but all in the right triangle line)

Isosceles trapezoid area formula know the area of the bottom and waist?
Can you calculate the area of upper sole 6, lower sole 18 and waist 10

The upper bottom is higher than the lower bottom to form a right triangle with the waist. The hypotenuse of the right triangle is equal to the waist of the trapezoid, i.e. 10. The two right angles are respectively the height of the trapezoid and (lower bottom upper bottom) / 2, i.e. 6
The height of right triangle is 10 ^ 2-6 ^ 2 = 8 ^ 2
So it's 8
The trapezoid area is (6 + 18) * 8 / 2 = 96

Does the formula of trapezoidal area have median line × height?

It's better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. The key to solving such problems is to have ideas. You can't just give answers to the people above. You will still encounter problems in the future
A is the upper bottom, B is the lower bottom, h is the height
In addition, the median line is equal to the upper bottom plus the lower bottom divided by 2, so s = median line * height
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