Why can't Newton's law and Maxwell's equation explain blackbody radiation? What's the contradiction between them? What are the main points of blackbody radiation? Why is "ultraviolet cataclysm"? Why can't I see cataclysm? Big head

Why can't Newton's law and Maxwell's equation explain blackbody radiation? What's the contradiction between them? What are the main points of blackbody radiation? Why is "ultraviolet cataclysm"? Why can't I see cataclysm? Big head

The so-called black body means that all the incident electromagnetic waves are absorbed, and black hole is a typical black body. Black hole has great mass and great gravity, and light can't escape its gravity. Newton thought that time is constant, which leads to classical physics. However, Einstein thought that the greater the gravity, the slower the time. Therefore, classical physics can't study black body radiation

In the Coulomb force formula, the force on the left side of the equation is vector, while the force on the right side of the equation is scalar. Can scalar and scalar be multiplied to get vector?

Your question is very good
In fact, the one on the left represents the magnitude of the force, not the direction of the force
Therefore, in the expression of Coulomb's law, there is another sentence, that is, the force is along the line of two point charges-
When you get to college, you'll learn that Coulomb's law can be written as vectors on both sides

If the left side of the left is not you, then no one is whose who

If "the left on the left" is not you, then "no one is who"
If the one on the left is not you, then no one is. It means that the one on the left can only be you
The left side of the left side: refers to the left side of a large area, and the left side of a small area
Oh, I don't know if it's clear

What is the meaning of in-phase and out of phase? Please explain in detail, thank you!

In principle, it means that at the same time, if the potential angle is exactly the same, it means in-phase electricity, otherwise it means out of phase electricity. In three-phase electricity, the potential angle of each phase is different at each time, and each phase circulates between + 380 and - 380. (take low voltage as an example). If it is 60Hz, it means 60 times per second, and the potential difference between each phase at any time is 380, which means zero to ground, They are all constant 220. In fact, because of the resistance value, there is some deviation