On matrix commutative law, distributive rate and associative law Which of the above three law matrices satisfy? Which of the following three are true? A*B=B*A A(B+C)=A*B+A*C (A*B)*C=A*(B*C)

On matrix commutative law, distributive rate and associative law Which of the above three law matrices satisfy? Which of the following three are true? A*B=B*A A(B+C)=A*B+A*C (A*B)*C=A*(B*C)

The law of distribution and the law of association are right
Exchange does not hold

In this paper, we use the combination of additive commutative law and multiplicative commutative law to express the distribution rate with letters

Add: commutative law: a + B = B + A, for example 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 combination law: (a + b) + C = a + (B + C) for example (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) multiplication: commutative law: a × B = B × a, for example 2 × 3 = 3 × 2 combination law (a × b) × C = a × (B × C) for example (2 × 3) × 4 = 2 × (3 × 4) distribution ratio a × (B + C) = a × B + A × C example

Fifth grade simple calculation with the law of association, exchange law, how to calculate the distribution rate

Some rules to remember: the law of association: 125 * 8 = 1000,25 * 4 = 100, / 25 + 75 = 100,67 + 33 = 100, easy to calculate. For example, 125 * 26 * 8 = 125 * 8 * 26 = 1000 * 26 = 260004 * 76 * 25 = 4 * 25 * 76 = 100 * 76 = 7600, the law of addition is the same as the law of distribution, which is generally some numbers close to 100 or 1000,: 99.999, or 1011002, etc