In an enterprise, the former a shareholder accounts for 51.46%, B shareholder accounts for 32.66%, C shareholder accounts for 10%, D shareholder accounts for 5.88%. Now D shareholder wants to withdraw, and ABC three shareholders want to purchase D shareholder's shares according to their respective share proportion,

In an enterprise, the former a shareholder accounts for 51.46%, B shareholder accounts for 32.66%, C shareholder accounts for 10%, D shareholder accounts for 5.88%. Now D shareholder wants to withdraw, and ABC three shareholders want to purchase D shareholder's shares according to their respective share proportion,

A shareholder acquisition: 5.88% × 51.46% / (51.46% + 32.66% + 10%) = 3.215% B shareholder acquisition: 5.88% × 32.66% / (51.46% + 32.66% + 10%) = 2.04% C shareholder acquisition: 5.88% × 10% / (51.46% + 32.66% + 10%) = 0.625% a shareholder after acquisition: 51.46% + 3.215% = 54.675% B shareholder after acquisition: 3

1. There are 84 chickens in two cages. If 1 / 5 of them are taken out of cage a and 3 / 7 of them are taken out of cage B, the remaining chickens in the two cages are exactly equal?
2. Car a and car B leave from a and B at the same time. When car a runs 5 / 8 of the whole journey, they meet car B. It is known that car B takes 12 hours to complete the whole journey. How many hours does it take for car a to complete the whole journey?
Write down what you want for each step

For practical problems, if you use the equation, find the equivalent first. If you don't use it, gradually deduce the answer according to the question. First, find the equivalent
The first question clearly shows that if there are x cages in a cage, then there are 84-x cages in B cage, X * (1-1 / 5) = (84-x) * (1-3 / 7)
The second question is about A. to solve this problem, we must first know the speed of A. in the question, there is a description that a has walked 5 / 8 of the distance. Then look at B. there is a time for the whole journey. Let's assume that the distance of AB is a, then the speed of B is a / 12, then the time for a to walk 5 / 8 is [(1-5 / 8) a] / (A / 12). This is also the time for a, and the time for a is a, The speed of a is easy to calculate [(5 / 8) a] / {[(1-5 / 8) a] / (A / 12)}, then the time for a to complete the whole journey can be calculated
I only give the solution to the above two questions. You can calculate the answer by yourself. If you only need the answer, you can find it by looking at other people's answers

A shareholder bought 1000 shares of a company last weekend at 23 yuan per share,
Monday + 2, Tuesday + 1.7, Wednesday - 1.5, Thursday - 2, Friday - 1.8
(1) Closing on Wednesday, how many yuan per share?
(2) How much is the highest price per share and how much is the lowest price per share this week?
(3) It is known that the investor paid 1.5% commission and 3% stamp duty when he bought the shares, 1.5% commission and 3% stamp duty when he sold the shares. If he sold all the shares on Friday, how about his earnings?

Monday's price: 23 + 2 = 25, Tuesday: 25 + 1.7 = 26.7, Wednesday: 26.7-1.5 = 25.2, Thursday: 25.2-2 = 23.2, Friday: 23.2-1.8 = 21.41, Wednesday's closing price: 25.2 yuan. 2, the highest price: 26.7 yuan, the lowest price: 21.4 yuan