37 is a multiple of 3 at least if you add [] to it. At least if you add [] to it, it is a multiple of 2 and 5 at the same time

37 is a multiple of 3 at least if you add [] to it. At least if you add [] to it, it is a multiple of 2 and 5 at the same time

37 at least plus [2] is a multiple of 3, at least plus [3] is a multiple of 2 and 5 at the same time

Analysis process and solution of several mathematical problems
1. Absolute value of x minus 5 difference - absolute value of 2x minus 13 difference (x < 5)
2. Please use the geometric meaning of absolute value to prove that:
For any real number x, the absolute value of x minus 1 plus x minus 2 is ≥ 1
3. Given x + y = 1, find the power of X + y + 3xy

So x-51
The results show that | X-1 | + | X-2 | > = 1
3. Because x + y = 1, so

The area of a square is about 440000m;
(1) If the square is a square, between which two data is its side length? (accurate to 10 digits)
(2) If the square is rectangular and its length is 1.5 times of its width, can you estimate its length and width? (the error is less than 1m)

Let the side length of a square be x meters, then x & # 178; ≈ 440000, then x ≈ √ 440000 ≈ 663, so the side length is between 660 and 663
Suppose the width of a rectangle is x meters, then the length is 1.5x meters, 1.5x & # 178; = 440000, X & # 178; ≈ 293333.33, X ≈ 541.6 meters
It is estimated to be 542m wide and 813m long

Village a, village B and Village C build a road together. After the road is built, village a benefits three times as much as Village C, and 34% of village B's benefits is equal to 23% of village a's benefits. The three villages originally negotiated to send labor to build the road according to the benefits of each village. Later, because Village C could not draw labor, after another negotiation, Village C shared the labor that village C could not draw, and Village C paid 1200 yuan to village a and village B A total of 45 people from village a and 35 people from village B have been assigned to complete the road construction task?

If the income of Village C is regarded as unit "1", then the income of village a is "3". According to the meaning of the title, the income of village B is: income of village B × 34 = benefit of village a × 23, then the income of village B is: 3 × 23 △ 34 = 83, then the ratio of income of village a, village B and Village C is: 3:83:1 = 9:8:3, that is, the ratio of the number of people sent by the three villages is 9:8:3, 9 + 8 + 3 = 20