(1) Cut a cone along its height and get two objects. The cross-sectional area is 10 square centimeters. If the cone is 5 centimeters high, what is its bottom area in square centimeters? What is its volume in cubic centimeters? (2) A cylindrical bucket with a bottom inner radius of 30cm contains some water. Immerse a conical part with a bottom radius of 10cm in water. When the part is taken out of the water, the water in the bucket drops by 5cm. What is the volume of the part in cubic centimeter? (3) There are two parts of the same material, one weighs 1068 grams, the volume is 120 cubic centimeters, and the other weighs 756.5 grams. What's its volume? (4) In order to measure the volume of radish, Master Wang first cut a radish into a cuboid which is 5cm long, 4cm wide and 2cm high. Then he measured the weight of the cuboid with a scale of 20g. Then he measured the weight of the radish with a scale of 320G. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of the radish? (5) Uncle Li piles some rice in the corner. The shape is cone. Do you have a way to measure the volume of rice? Please design a feasible measurement scheme first, and calculate the volume of rice by assuming the required data (6) Find an old light bulb and find a way to measure its volume. Write down your measurement results (all questions should be able to understand, formula and equation are OK!

(1) Cut a cone along its height and get two objects. The cross-sectional area is 10 square centimeters. If the cone is 5 centimeters high, what is its bottom area in square centimeters? What is its volume in cubic centimeters? (2) A cylindrical bucket with a bottom inner radius of 30cm contains some water. Immerse a conical part with a bottom radius of 10cm in water. When the part is taken out of the water, the water in the bucket drops by 5cm. What is the volume of the part in cubic centimeter? (3) There are two parts of the same material, one weighs 1068 grams, the volume is 120 cubic centimeters, and the other weighs 756.5 grams. What's its volume? (4) In order to measure the volume of radish, Master Wang first cut a radish into a cuboid which is 5cm long, 4cm wide and 2cm high. Then he measured the weight of the cuboid with a scale of 20g. Then he measured the weight of the radish with a scale of 320G. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of the radish? (5) Uncle Li piles some rice in the corner. The shape is cone. Do you have a way to measure the volume of rice? Please design a feasible measurement scheme first, and calculate the volume of rice by assuming the required data (6) Find an old light bulb and find a way to measure its volume. Write down your measurement results (all questions should be able to understand, formula and equation are OK!

1. The cross section is a triangle, 5cm high and 10cm square, so the bottom is 4cm long
The length of the bottom is the diameter of the bottom of the cone, so the radius of the bottom is 2cm
Cone volume 3.14 * 2 * 2 * 5 * (1 / 3) = 20.933333 (cm3)
2. The volume of the falling water is the volume of the part
3.14 * 30 * 30 * 5 = 14130 (cm3)
3 density 1068 / 120 = 8.9 (g / cm3)
Volume 756.5 / 8.9 = 85 (cm3)
4 320 / 20 = 16 (Times) radish is 16 times the weight of cuboid, then radish volume is 16 times of cuboid
16 * (5 * 4 * 2) = 640 (cm3)
5. Measure height h and bottom diameter R
The volume is (1 / 3) * h * 3.14 * (R / 2) ^ 2
Find a cylinder that can hold water, pour water into it and record the water height
Immerse the bulb completely into the water and record the height
Calculate the height difference h twice and measure the diameter r of the cylinder bottom
The volume of the bulb is h * 3.14 * (R / 2) ^ 2
(R / 2) ^ 2 is the square of (R / 2)

1、 The oil import volume of an oil importing country this month is 5% lower than that of last month. Due to the rise of international oil price, the cost of oil import this month is 14% higher than that of last month. The growth rate of oil price in this month is higher than that of last month
2、 When m is a value, the solution of the equation 5m + 12x = half + X about X is larger than that of the equation x (M + 1) = m (1 + x)
3、 The ticket price for group purchase of park tickets is as follows:
The number of tickets purchased is more than 1-50 51-100
Ticket per person / yuan 13 11 9
There are two tour groups A and B. It is known that the number of group A is less than 50, and that of group B is no more than 100. If you buy tickets separately, the total ticket fee payable by the two groups is 1392 yuan. If you buy tickets together as a group, the total ticket fee payable is 1080 yuan
(1) Please judge whether the number of group B is less than 50
(2) Ask how many people there are in each group

1. Suppose the growth rate of this month's oil price relative to last month is X
A: this month's oil price is 20% higher than last month's
2. The solution of the second one is x = M;
So the solution of the first one is x = m + 2
There are X members in group A and y members in group B
Let y ≤ 50
Then 13 (x + y) = 1392
The solution of X, y is not an integer, so the condition does not hold
That is 50 ≤ y ≤ 100
Then, if the total number of the two regiments is less than 100, then 11 (x + y) = 1080, the solution of X and Y is not an integer and does not hold
Therefore, the total number of the two regiments must be greater than 100
The solution is x = 36, y = 84
A: the number of group B is more than 50
There are 36 in group A and 84 in group B