What kind of environment should human beings live in

What kind of environment should human beings live in

The living environment of human beings should be:
1. People live in harmony with each other
2. Man and nature live in harmony
3. There is a natural environment suitable for human survival and life

Please list two or three common behaviors that destroy the environment and threaten the survival of human beings. Please think about what will happen if human beings continue to do so
Bureau (at least three answers)

In fact, there are a lot of problems. In real life, there are not only these problems, but also too many problems to be solved. Let's talk about these two points first. The result of 1 is to destroy the ecology, unreasonable mining leads to the lack of resources. 2, poisonous gases are emitted from industries and automobiles, causing people to get sick, and a large number of carbon dioxide emissions lead to global warming

Please list the examples in your life and discuss the other possible factors that affect the rate of chemical reaction

Food in summer is easier to deteriorate than that in winter, which indicates that the reaction rate increases with the increase of temperature
When salted duck eggs are salted, the concentration of salt has a direct effect on the saltiness of eggs at the same time. Relatively speaking, the higher the concentration of salt, the faster the maturity of salted eggs

I use BCA method to measure the concentration of protein. The concentration of protein sample is not in the range of standard curve. Apart from dilution, what else can I do?

My standard curve is made with 0, 2, 4 and 6. The measured concentration is about 20. After proportional dilution, the concentration is measured again, and there is no big deviation. I think the protein concentration is within 20, which is accurate. The curve has a certain extension

Principle and range of protein determination by Folin phenol reagent method

Folin phenol reagent method is a new method for the determination of protein content. The reagent used is composed of two parts. The first part is equivalent to biuret reagent, and the second part is Folin phenol reagent (mixture of phosphotungstic acid and phosphomolybdic acid)

What is the principle of protein isoelectric point measurement

Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis (IFE)
A special buffer (amphoteric electrolyte) is used to produce a pH gradient in the gel (commonly used polyacrylamide gel). When electrophoresis, each protein will migrate to pH equal to its isoelectric point (pI), which is no longer a net positive or negative charge, forming a very narrow zone.
Another method is to determine the solubility of protein according to the solubility of protein at isoelectric point. A series of buffers with different pH are prepared to determine the solubility of protein. The pH with the lowest solubility is Pi of protein

Principle of protein detection with sulfosalicylic acid

Protein is amphoteric material, with positive charge in acidic environment, while sulfosalicylic acid is negatively charged, which just combines with protein and precipitates, indicating the presence of protein in liquid. Note: sulfosalicylic acid just makes the liquid acidic and promotes the combination of the two. This method is often used to detect whether there is protein leakage in trace human protein, such as urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc

Given that the real number a B satisfies, AB + BC + AC = 1, prove that a + B + C is greater than or equal to 1

Because AB + BC + AC = 12ab
Add to get
From ab + BC + AC = 1
So a ^ 2 + C ^ 2 + C ^ 2 ≥ 1

Judgment question: if matrix A, B and C have ab = AC, then B = C

This conclusion can only be reached when a is full rank

Is AC = 0 AB = 0 B = C in a matrix? Why

No, if a is invertible, it is easy to deduce B = C. but it is not easy to deduce without requiring what matrix A is. For example, if a is a zero matrix, then B and C are arbitrary and not necessarily equal