What are adverse selection and moral hazard? Please give examples in real life

What are adverse selection and moral hazard? Please give examples in real life

What's the practical significance of materialism and idealism? Please give some examples. It's better to be more logical. Take examples from real life,

(1) Materialism
1. Meaning: advocate material is the origin of the world, material first, spiritual second
2. There are three historical forms
(1) Ancient simple materialism
It is the initial form of materialist philosophy. Simple materialism affirms the material origin and unity of the world. However, due to the limitation of cognitive level, it always regards some or some specific material forms as the material origin and unity of the world
For example, the ancient Greek Thales thought that all things were born in water and then returned to water. The ancient Chinese five elements thought that gold, wood, water, fire and earth were the five basic elements of all things. The atomism of Democritus and Epicurus in Europe and the monism of Qi in ancient China all belonged to the category of simple materialism
(2) Modern metaphysical materialism
It is the second form of materialist philosophy, also called mechanical materialism
The basic characteristics of metaphysical materialism are: it recognizes the materiality of the world, but interprets the world from an isolated, static and one-sided point of view. It can not see the universal connection, change and development between things and phenomena in the world, or it only recognizes the connection and movement of machinery. It is a way of thinking to observe and explain the world from an isolated, static and mechanical point of view, Therefore, it shows mechanical and metaphysical characteristics
Another limitation of metaphysical materialism is its incompleteness, which is mainly reflected in its materialistic view of nature and idealistic view of social history
Mechanical materialism shows the limitations in the following three aspects: mechanical, metaphysical and idealistic historical view
(3) Dialectical materialism
The dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism are the most thorough and scientific forms in the development of materialism, and the third form in the history of materialism, Integrating materialism with dialectics, materialist view of nature and materialist view of history organically constitutes a very complete and rigorous scientific theoretical system. It not only attaches importance to the theoretical explanation of the world, but also emphasizes the practical transformation of the world, which is the materialism of practice, It is the most scientific and revolutionary form of philosophy
(2) Idealism
1. Meaning: idealism is an ideological system opposite to materialism. It holds that spirit is primary and material is secondary. It is consciousness that decides material, not material that decides consciousness
2. There are two main forms
(1) Subjective idealism
Subjective idealism holds that the world is the product of man's subjective consciousness and the spirit is the origin of the material world. In epistemology, idealism holds that man's knowledge is innate, or that man's mind is subjective, and denies that knowledge comes from practice and the external material world, Or it is the product of the will of outstanding figures, which regards spirit, will and motivation as the decisive force of historical development, denies the production of material means of production and its subject (laborer) as the creator of history, and advocates the historical view of "genius"
There are many famous representatives of subjective idealism in the history of philosophy, such as: (1) Wang Shouren of Ming Dynasty in China, who proposed that "there is nothing outside the mind, there is nothing outside the mind, and there is no reason outside the mind." (2) Berkeley of England in the 18th century in Europe once proposed that "things are the collection of ideas", "existence is perceived", "object and feeling are one thing"
(2) Objective idealism
Objective idealism, like subjective idealism, also holds that spirit is the origin of the material world. The only difference is that it holds that the world is not the product of one's subjective consciousness, but the product of some mysterious and objective spirit existing in a certain place of the world
There are many famous representatives of objective idealism in the history of philosophy, such as: (1) Zhu Xi of Southern Song Dynasty, who advocated that spiritual "reason" is an independent entity prior to heaven and earth, (2) Plato in ancient Greece believed that "idea" was the only real existence, and various concrete things were just the shadow of "idea", which was derived from idea. (3) Leibniz in modern Germany believed that "monad" (a spiritual entity) was the basis of all things in the world, and monads had different levels, Therefore, it determines the nature and difference of different things. (4) Hegel of Germany proposed that "absolute idea" ("absolute spirit") is the essence of the world, and nature and human society are the product and expression of "absolute idea" itself

What kind of people are people who are poor in material and spirit

Material poverty, generally speaking is poor, no money
Spiritual poverty means emptiness, without pursuit and ideal. For example, the rich second generation has no pursuit and spends all day drinking

There is a small iron flat bottom bucket on the horizontal ground. The gravity of the bucket is 10N, the bottom area of the bucket is 3dm2, and the thickness of the bucket wall is not included. Now, after pouring 80N water, the height of the water is 20cm? (2) What is the pressure and pressure of the bucket to the horizontal ground?

(1) According to the meaning of the title: H = 20cm = 0.2m, s = 3dm2 = 3 × 10-2m2, P = ρ GH = 1.0 × 103kg / m3 × 9.8N / kg × o.2m = 1.96 × 103pa, ∵ P = FS, ∵ f = PS = 1.96 × 103pa × 3 × 10-2m2 = 58.8n

Three physics problems. (about liquid pressure)
Three questions all need to have the concrete process. The special choice question. I study quite rotten. Therefore does not understand asks everybody. Thank you. Can tell me where wrong words are grateful
1. There is a 76cm high mercury column in a 1m long vertical glass tube. The pressure of the mercury column on the bottom of the tube is___ Pa. (I wrote 7448) if the glass tube is thickened, but the height of the mercury column remains unchanged, this is the pressure of the mercury column on the bottom of the tube___ (I wrote 7448)
2. Pour kerosene into the left pipe and water into the right pipe of the U-shaped pipe with uniform thickness, and make the liquid level of the two pipes level. When the valve K is opened (k is in the middle of the U-shaped pipe), the liquid in the pipe will flow out_____ If water and kerosene of equal mass are poured into the two pipes respectively, open the valve K to remove the liquid in the pipe_____ Flow (fill in "yes" and "no") (I will be the first to fill in, and so will the second)
3. Two identical test tubes are filled with different liquids of the same mass. When a is vertical and B is inclined, the two liquid surfaces are in line. Suppose that the pressure of the liquid in tube a to the bottom of the test tube is p a and that of liquid B to the bottom of the test tube is P B, then ()
(A) P a > P B P A = P B C P A
The first question above is the quintic power of 1.01x10
I don't know how to calculate it.
The first answer to the second question is yes. The second one won't. I want to know why.
Thank you ysh4ever. I know why.

You can refer to the first question: the fifth power of 1.01x10, the fifth power of 1.01x10, because this experiment is the experiment in the book, the Torricelli experiment. According to the theorem, a standard atmospheric pressure = 1.01x10, the fifth power = 76cm high mercury column = 760 mm mercury column; liquid pressure = Liquid density × liquid height × g, liquid density (

A physics problem about the pressure of liquid
As shown in the figure, the flat bottom teapot has a mass of 400g, a bottom area of 40cm & sup2; and a height of 12cm. It contains 0.6kg of boiling water and is placed in the center of a horizontal table with an area of 1m2. (G is 10N / kg)
In fact, I understand the idea of solving the problem, that is to say, first calculate the pressure, and then calculate the pressure by the bottom area. Because of the support of the spout and other places, but I want to ask, if G ≠ F, then we can't deduce the pressure according to "P = f / S = g / S = mg / S = ρ VG / S = ρ SHG / S = ρ GH", then we can't use the pressure formula. Why? I thought about it all night······

The derived pressure formula reflects the characteristics of liquid pressure. When this formula is not used, it is deduced again every time. The pressure of liquid on the bottom of container is usually not equal to the gravity of liquid (except for straight cylindrical container)
Therefore, the calculation of liquid pressure should be based on P = ρ GH, and then the formula F = PS

A bottle with a large bottom area and a bottle with a small bottom area contain liquid of the same height. The pressure of the liquid on each bottom is equal. After putting a small glass bead, the liquid does not overflow. What is the pressure relationship between the liquid and the bottom of the container?
I can't be sure, because the liquid density is the same, and the increase pressure of the bottle with large bottom area is small, which can't be determined when multiplied by the large bottom area
I mean, does the gravity of that glass bead put pressure on it

If the pressure is large, it is the one with large bottom area

A physics problem in the third grade of junior high school
When the patient is given intravenous infusion of 1.03 * 10 cubic kilogram of liquid medicine, and the local height is 0.75 meters, how many centimeters of mercury is the patient's venous blood pressure? Suppose the atmospheric pressure is 76 centimeters of mercury

Blood vessel P pressure = density * g * H = 1030 * 10 * 0.75 = 7725 (PA)

A physics problem about pressure in the third grade of junior high school

ρ water * g * H = ρ copper sulfate * g * h
1.0 * 10 power * g * 12cm = 1.2 * 10 power * g * h
Choose C

If the contact area s between the suction cup and the table is 8cm2 and the indication F of the spring dynamometer is 80N, what is the atmospheric pressure on the suction cup surface?
According to the knowledge of liquid pressure and density, please calculate the pressure produced by 76cm mercury column?

From P = f / s, P = 80N / 0.0008m2 = 100000pa