Book is the ocean of knowledge, the wings of power, the source of wisdom, the steering wheel of life!

Book is the ocean of knowledge, the wings of power, the source of wisdom, the steering wheel of life!

Books are the ocean of knowledge, the source of strength, the wings of wisdom and the steering wheel of life!
There is a lot of knowledge in the personal science book, so the book is the ocean of knowledge. Next, use the word knowledge to find the connection with other words. Because people have intelligence quotient, they can make faster progress in learning knowledge, instead of learning knowledge to get intelligence quotient. The mistake is: the causality is reversed, and so are others~~

Book is the wheel (source) (Ocean) (wing) of knowledge

It should be that books are the wings of knowledge, because books are used to spread knowledge. Knowledge depends on the wings of books to spread. If books are the creators of knowledge, that is the ocean, and books are the direction of knowledge creation, that is the steering wheel
Books are the wings of knowledge, the steering wheel of life, the source of wisdom and the sea of power

Books are knowledge (), power (), wisdom (), life (). 1. Steering wheel 2. Source 3. Ocean 4. Wings

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Books are the wings of the ocean power of knowledge, the source of wisdom and the steering wheel of life