How many combinations of six digits are there, and what software can list them all

How many combinations of six digits are there, and what software can list them all

The highest order is 1-9, with a total of 9 choices. Each of the following five digits has a total of 10 choices of 0-9, that is, there are five combinations of 9 times 10. If you want to list all of them, you can input 100000 (minimum 6 digits) in the first digit of Excel and then fill in the sequence. It's just a large amount of data. Is it necessary?

Find the combination of all three digits of the ten numbers from 0 to 9, using VB6.0
The hundreds can be 0, such as 012
It's a combination, not an arrangement. For example, 012 021 120 102 201 210, you only need to output 012. Just like 012, the smallest number is in the front and the largest number is at the end
The total number of data is 120 (should be), output to Text1
Any way, the more special the better,
I've seen it on the first floor and it can be used. Although it may be vbnet, I want other different methods (special methods). Ha ha, wait a minute, no one will give you a score on the first floor,

It's 120
for a = 0 to 7
for b = a+1 to 8
for c = b+1 to 9
text1.value = text1.value & a & b & c & vbCrlf
Other what form, button, trigger what of their own free to do it

How many groups of passwords can 6-digit bank passwords consist of 0 to 9 digits?
I'm 1 million, 999999 plus 6 zeros. Our unit finance says that it can form hundreds of millions of groups. I know how many can be formed

You are right. Your financial level is not as high as yours
It's true that people with knowledge work for people without knowledge

A car full of watermelons driving at a constant speed on the horizontal road, emergency braking, acceleration is a, set a watermelon with mass m in the middle, then how much force does it receive from other watermelons?
m√ a2+g2

In fact, it's very simple. Because the watermelon is in the middle, it has to receive a backward force from other watermelons to provide the acceleration, which is ma. And because the resultant force in the vertical direction is zero, it has to receive an upward force from other watermelons to balance the gravity, which is mg

On a smooth horizontal plane, the mass of the board with enough length M1 = 8kg moves to the right under the action of horizontal tension f = 8N. As shown in the figure, when the speed reaches 1.5m/s, the object with mass m = 2kg is gently placed on the right end of the board, and the dynamic friction coefficient between the object and the board μ = 0.2 is known
(1) After the object is placed on the board, how long does it take for the object to be relatively static with the board? In this period of time, what is the sliding distance between the object and the board?
(2) After the object and the board are relatively stationary, is there any friction between them? Why? If so, what is the friction? (G is taken as 10m / S2)
I found the answer and understood the meaning of the answer. I don't know why the starting block moves to the left, and it moves all the way to the left. Isn't it affected by the friction to the right? Please describe its motion state for me

If there is no friction between the objects, M is always moving to the left relative to M1. There is friction between them, and M moves to the left relative to M1. Because there is friction to the right, m will accelerate. But since the initial speed M1 is higher than m, m will move to the left. When m accelerates to M1, it will be relatively stationary

An English physics problem
By how much does the water pressure exceed atmospheric air pressure:
a.) 1 m below the surface of a pool (of fresh water)?
by Pa
b.) 7 m below the surface?
by Pa
c.) How far below the surface do you have to go,before the total pressure you feel is triple that of atmospheric pressure at sea level (itself about 100,000 Pa)*?
(*Hopefully from this,you'll gain an appreciation for just how much our normal atmospheric pressure is -- and that us human beings really do live "on the bottom of an ocean of air.")

= ρgh
= 1000*9.8*1
= 9.8*10^3 Pa
= ρgh
= 1000*9.8*7
= 6.9*10^4 Pa
p = ρgh
(3-1)*10^5 = 1000*9.8*h
h = 20.4 m

An English physics problem
The speed of a bullet as it travels down the barrel of a rifle toward the opening is given by v = (–5.00 × 107)t2 + (3.00 × 105)t,where v is in meters per second and t is in seconds.The acceleration of the bullet just as it leaves the barrel is zero.
(a) Determine the acceleration and position of the bullet as a function of time when the bullet is in the barrel.
(b) Determine the length of time the bullet is accelerated.
(c) Find the speed at which the bullet leaves the barrel.
(d) What is the length of the barrel?

(a)a=dv/dt=2×(–5.00 × 107)t+(3.00 × 105) s=(1/3)×(–5.00 × 107)t3 + (1/2)×(3.00 × 105)t2(b)let a=0,then t=0.294393s(c)let t=0.294393,then v=46.3668m/s(d)let t=0.294393,then s=9.10003m...

English translation
a pulsar is a celestial object that emits llight in short burst a pulsar in the crab nebula flashes at a rate of 30 times/s,suppose the light pulses are caused by the rotation of a spherical object that emits light from a pair of diametrically opposed "flashlights" on its equator.what is the maximum radius of the pulasae if no part of its surface can move faster than the speed of light?

A pulsar is a cellular object that emits light in short burst

If an electron loses 2.5E-15 J of energy in travelling from the cathode to the screen in a home computer,across what potential difference must it travel?

The "potential" increases, and the potential difference is:

Lillian (mass 40.0 kg) standing on slippery ice catches her leaping dog (mass 15 kg) moving horizontally at 2.0 m/s.What is the speed of Lilian and her dog after the catch?

Li Lian (weighing 40 kg) was standing on the very smooth ice. His dog was sliding towards him at the speed of 2.0 M / s. he asked him what their speed was after catching his dog?
Taking Li Lian and his dog as a system, there is no external force in the horizontal direction. Applying the conservation of momentum, we set their speed as AM / s after catching the dog
Then 15 * 2 = (40 + 15) a
a=6/11 m/s