Use ten numbers from 0 to 9 to form a four digit, a three digit, a two digit and a one digit number, so that their sum is 1998. What is the minimum three digit number Use 0, 1, 2, 3 Ten numbers make up a four digit number, a three digit number, a two digit number and a one digit number, making these numbers add up to 1998 What is the minimum number of three digits?

Use ten numbers from 0 to 9 to form a four digit, a three digit, a two digit and a one digit number, so that their sum is 1998. What is the minimum three digit number Use 0, 1, 2, 3 Ten numbers make up a four digit number, a three digit number, a two digit number and a one digit number, making these numbers add up to 1998 What is the minimum number of three digits?

Minimum 205
For example:
The thousand digits of four digits must be 1, which is equivalent to using 2 ~ 9 and 0 to form two three digits, a two digit and a one digit. The sum of them is 998, which is right here
To make the three digit minimum, the first two digits 2 and 0 have no objection
Because the sum of the three digits is 998, the three digits plus the largest combination of two digits and one digit (98 + 7 = 105) are only 30x or 31x, that is, the remaining three digits must be greater than 600 after the first one of the original four digits is removed
It is easy to know that when the original four digit number is 16ab,
6ab and the remaining three - digit, two - digit, one - digit can't get 998
When 17ab and 20x are considered, the remaining 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 make up two two digit, two one digit and 98, and make x minimum
If x = 3, the minimum number of two two digit tens can only be 4 and 5, and the sum of four digits can not be carried
If x = 5, the minimum number of two two digit TENS is 3, 4 = 7, and the remaining bits are 5 + 6 + 8 + 9 = 28, which is consistent with mantissa 8 and carry 2
So the minimum three digits can only be 205

The password on a bank savings card is a 4-digit number. The number on each card can be selected from the 10 numbers of 0-9. If someone does not remember the last digit of the password, if he presses the last digit of the password at will, the probability of the right password is ()
A. 1104B. 1103C. 1100D. 110

∵ the number on each digit can be selected from the 10 numbers of 0-9, and there is only one case that is correct. ∵ according to the probability of correct password, it is 110. So select D

6-digit password, with 0 to 9 digital password to try, how many times to try out

Because it's repeatable
In fact, as long as 999 999 times on the line
Because the last time you don't have to try
In addition, the average is only 500000 times

A physics problem in English
When a proton captures an electron,a photon with an
energy of 13.6 eV is emitted.What is the frequency of this
photon?Does it lie in,above,or below the visible range?

When a proton captures an electron, it will emit a photon with 13.6ev energy. What is the frequency of this photon? Is it within the frequency range of visible light? Above? Below?
E=hv=hc/lambda,E=13.6eV=2.178X10-18 J,h=6.626 × 10 -34 J·s,=> v=3.288X10 15 Hz,lambda=91.2nm,which is smaller than lower limit of visible range.The frequency is above visible range

English translation
6. Accurate English translation of the above six terms is required in metrological verification room,

1.Metrological verification room 2.Thermal metrological verification room 3.Mechanics metrological verification room 4.Physical and chemical metrological verification room 5.Measurement management off...

English translation

Mechanical Design,Technology of Exchangeability and Measurement ,Hydromechanics,Extracurricular Sports Test

English translation
①She smoothed her down with a wet comb,wiped her muddy shoes,and thought about the three months she had known him.
②She was dying to see him again but what if he didn't want to see her?
③Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between sickness and health,between familiesgoing hungry and families providing for themselves.
④The gift you is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.

1. She combed her hair with wet wood and wiped her dirty shoes, remembering the three months since she met him
2. She can't wait to see him again, but what if he doesn't want her?
Only 20% increase in production means the difference between disease and health, hunger and self-sufficient families
4. The gift you give is not for those you love, but for those who really need help in life

English translation
If you open your eyes today, you are still alive
Now that we have all passed the "end of the world", what difficulties or setbacks can we not pass?
1. While we are still alive, we should do more things we want to do
Don't wait for the end of your life to regret it
2. Cherish what you have now, don't waste time, and do more
3. Set an appropriate goal for the future and work hard towards it
As long as you don't abandon yourself, no one can dominate your world
As long as you don't give up chasing, your end will not come easily

Today you can see with your own eyes that means you are still alive and well .In the past we have been through "thick and thin" and even the so called " end of the world ".I don't see any other diffic...

English translation
Luster has a long history, since 979 ad County, 1031 years ago

Guangze has a long history of 1031 years,since its establishment in AD 979.

English translation
With the deepening exchanges between Chinese and Thai people in recent years, the research on Thai culture has gradually become an academic hotspot. As a unique local custom, the origin, current situation and impact on local society of the Bull Racing Festival in chunburi Prefecture reflect Thai culture from another aspect, As well as experiencing some of these projects, and combining with the original Thai materials, the author finds that the festival comes from people's agricultural life, is closely related to Thailand's deep-rooted Buddhist belief, and has an important impact on the development of local agriculture, commerce, tourism and social atmosphere. At the same time, the festival also reflects the spiritual sustenance of local people, This paper interprets the Buddhist thought of doing good and accumulating virtue and repaying kindness in Thai society, and endows cattle with profound cultural connotation in Thai society. Cattle are kind to people, and people also repay cattle's kindness through festivals. Cattle have an irreplaceable important position in the eyes of Thai people

In recent years, the people of China and Thailand exchanges and deepening, the study of Thailand culture has gradually become an academic focus. Thailand Chonburi Fu tournament cattle festival as a unique local customs, its origin, current situation, as well as the influence to the local society, reflected from the other side of the Thailand culture. The ox match game site visits, interviews with local residents, as well as the experience of some of these projects, and the combination of the original Thai data research, author discovery, match cattle Festival originates from people's life with the Thailand agriculture, ingrained Buddhist beliefs are closely related, to the local agricultural, commercial, tourism and society climate orientation has produced important influence. At the same time, match bovine section also reflect local people's spiritual sustenance, interpretation of the Thailand society of good works, gratitude Buddhist thought, give cattle in Thailand society's profound cultural connotation. Niu Youen in person, people also through festival form repay kindness cattle, cattle in Thailand people's mind has the irreplaceable important position.