In a subtraction formula, the subtraction is three times the difference, and the sum of the subtraction and the difference is 880,

In a subtraction formula, the subtraction is three times the difference, and the sum of the subtraction and the difference is 880,

Let the subtracted be x and the subtracted be y, then the difference is X-Y
If the subtracted is 440 and the subtracted is 330, then the difference is 110
Subtracted - subtracted = difference, = > subtracted = subtracted + difference
The sum of the three is 880. In fact, it can be seen that if the subtracted by two times is 880, then the subtracted is 440;
Then, the sum of subtraction and difference is 440. At the same time, the subtraction is three times the difference. In fact, the difference of three times plus difference is 440. That is to say, the difference of four times is 440, so the difference is 110;
The subtraction is 330

Add the subtracted, subtracted, and difference of a subtraction formula to get 880. Given that the subtracted is three times the difference, find the subtracted?


In the subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 160, and the difference is 3 / 5 of the subtracted. What is the subtraction formula?

Subtracted = subtracted + difference = 160 △ 2 = 80
Subtraction: 80 (1 + 3 / 5) = 50
Poor: 80-50 = 30
Formula: 80-50 = 30