A multiplication formula of two digits multiplied by two digits, one of which is 29. If you add two multipliers and the product, you get 839. What's the other multiplier?

A multiplication formula of two digits multiplied by two digits, one of which is 29. If you add two multipliers and the product, you get 839. What's the other multiplier?

839 - 29 = 810
810 ÷ (29+1)=27
The other number is 27
Check that 27 × 29 + 27 + 29 = 839 is correct

A multiplication formula of two digits multiplied by two digits, one of which is 29. If you add two multipliers and the product, you get 839. What's the other multiplier?

Let another multiplier be x, 29x + 29 + x = 839, 30x = 810, x = 27

A multiplication formula for multiplying two digit numbers by two digit numbers. One of the multipliers is 29. If you add two multipliers and the product, you get 839. What's the other multiplier?

30 times the other multiplier + 29 = 839
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