Is π - 3.14 equal to 0? Brother's math problem is a little difficult. This π is 3. If it is, why don't you give us 3.14 directly

Is π - 3.14 equal to 0? Brother's math problem is a little difficult. This π is 3. If it is, why don't you give us 3.14 directly

This π will be retained. It is a parameter with a fixed value. It is an infinite acyclic decimal. Whether you replace it with 3.14 or other numbers, it is about equal to
π goes to the next step

A three digit number is 19 times the sum of all of you. There are 11 such numbers. The smallest is {and the largest is {}

The smallest is {114} and the largest is {399}
Let three hundred and ten digits be x, y and Z respectively
X、Y、Z≤9 ,
The results are as follows:
19(X + Y + Z) = 100X + 10Y + Z
They are:
9X = Y + 2Z
The minimum is x = 1, where y + 2Z = 9, y = 1, z = 4, and the number is 114
The maximum is x = 3 (y, Z ≤ 9), at this time, y = 9, z = 9, the number is 399

A five digit number is a multiple of the last four. How many five digits are there?

Because the number of ten thousand digits can only be 4 or 8, and the number of thousand digits, hundred digits and ten digits can be 0 or 4 or 8, the number of five digits satisfying the condition is 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 1 = 54

There is a three digit number, each of which is a different prime number and a multiple of 3 and 5. There are () such numbers. They are ()
Please, I can't thank you enough

There is a three digit number, each of which is a different prime number and a multiple of 3 and 5. There are (2) such numbers, which are (375 735)

Choose one of the four numbers 0, 7, 3 and 5, and arrange them into three digits that are not only multiples of 2 and 5, but also multiples of 3. How many such three digits are there?

Think like this:
1. The digit must be 0, and the sum of all digits is a multiple of 3
2、750 570

A three digit number is a multiple of 5, and the sum of three digits is 9. How many such three digits are there

A three digit number is a multiple of 5. A single digit must be 0 or 5
When one digit is 0, ten digit + hundred digit = 9
They can be: 180, 270, 360, 450, 540, 630, 720, 810, 900
When the number of digits is 5, the number of tens + hundreds = 4
They can be: 135, 225, 315, 405
There are 13 numbers

A three digit number is not only a multiple of 2, but also a factor. 5. The number on the hundred is the smallest prime number, and the number on the ten is a multiple of the number on the hundred. What is the possibility of this three digit number?

This three digit number is 2 in the hundred, 2 or 4, 6 or 8 in the individual, and 0 in the individual. Therefore, this three digit number may be 220 or 240, 260 or 280. A: this three digit number may be 220 or 240, 260 or 280

Some four digit numbers are multiples of 7, and when they are divided into two two two digit numbers from the middle, the front number can be divided by 3, and the back number can be divided by 5, so how small is the smallest of all such numbers?

Because when the middle of a four digit number is divided into two two two digit numbers, the front number can be divided by 3, and the minimum is 12; the back number can be divided by 5, which may be 00, 05, 10, 20, 25, 30 At 1200, 1205, 1210, 1220, 1225, 1230 Of these numbers, 1225 is a multiple of 7 and the smallest four digit number

If 0, 1, 2 and 3 can be used to form many four digit numbers without repetition, what is the average of all these four digit numbers


Insert a number in 0123456789 between the hundred and ten digits of a 3-digit number to get a 4-digit number which is exactly 9 times of the original number. What is the maximum and minimum of the 3-digit number

The maximum is 675 (6075), and the minimum is 125 (1125). The number satisfying the condition is limited. Suppose that the three digit number is ABC and the four digit number is axbc, and the condition can be divided as ABC * 9 = axbc. (the first step) calculates from the last digit, that is, c * 9=_ C. Only 5 (5 * 9 = 45) meets the condition. The first step of C = 5 (the second step) is 4, so it should be b * 9 + 4=_ B. There are 2 and 7 that satisfy the condition, that is, B = 2 or 7 (the third step). Finally, the three digits that satisfy the condition and the corresponding four digits are (125225) - (11252025), (175275375575675) - (157524753754751756075). You can see the answer without calculating all of them