How can two 10's and two 4's be equal to 24? We have to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but we must use these four numbers, not less or more

How can two 10's and two 4's be equal to 24? We have to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but we must use these four numbers, not less or more


The numbers 0 to 9 can't be repeated. Subtracting two numbers equals subtracting the next two numbers,


Take three numbers from 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 to form three digits without repetition. Subtract them from each other. The difference is 198

517 319
357 159
951 753
From 198, because the ten digit is 9, the subtraction of the above five numbers can not be equal to 9, so it must be a phase subtraction borrowed 1, so the ten digits of the two three digits are equal, because the hundred digit is equal to 1, so any two numbers are subtracted, and the ten digits are followed by 1. So as long as the difference is 2, the ten digits are equal, and the hundred digit difference is 2

Fill 9 numbers 1-9 in the following 9 zeros (two numbers have been filled in) to make the equation true. The numbers in all zeros cannot be repeated ×0 + 0 = 96 ÷ 0


How to add and subtract excel form?

Add: enter = a1 + A2 + a3 + in the required cell Or = sum (A1: A10), which is to find the sum between consecutive cells; or = sum (A1, A4, B1, B3, C1, C6 )This is the sum of the values in several discontinuous cells
Subtraction: enter = a1-a2-a3 -... In the required cell Or = a1 + b1-c1 +

When calculating "8 × (25 + a)", Xiaoma calculated "8 × 25 + a", which is 56 less than the correct answer, and the correct answer is ()


When calculating "8 * (25 + a)", Xiaoma calculated "8 * 25 + a", which was 56 less than the correct answer,

Less 8a-a = 7a
So 7a = 56
So a = 8

When calculating the division, Xiao Lan writes the divisor 65 as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and there is 52 left. So what is the correct quotient?

The divisor is
The right business is

In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

56 × 13 + 52 = 728 + 52 = 780780 780 △ 65 = 12; a: the correct quotient is 12

In a multiplication formula, the product is 8 times of the first multiplier and 78 times of the second multiplier. What is the product?

The product is 624
x·y = z → y = z/x,x = z/y
The product is eight times the first multiplier: the second multiplier = 8
The product is 78 times the second multiplier: the first multiplier = 78
78×8 = 624