Put the nine numbers 1 to 9 in the box to make the equation hold. (each number can't be repeated.)

Put the nine numbers 1 to 9 in the box to make the equation hold. (each number can't be repeated.)


Fill in the numbers 0, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the following to make the equation true. Only one number should be filled in each space, and the numbers filled in cannot be repeated

According to the stem analysis, the answer is: 3 × 4 = 12 = 60 △ 5

Fill the seven numbers "1 - 7" in the following equation respectively (the number cannot be filled in repeatedly)
() multiplied by () equals () divided by () equals () plus () minus ()

The answer is 2 times 3 equals 6 divided by 1 equals 4 + 7-5 positive solution

Is the quotient of the division formula 2 divided by 13 an infinite circular decimal

0.153846 153846 153846…… It's an infinitely circular decimal

In a division formula, the divisor does not change, the divisor is expanded to three times of the original, and the quotient ()
1. Unchanged 2. Expanded to three times the original 3. Reduced to one third of the original

In a division formula, the divisor does not change, the divisor is expanded to 3 times of the original, quotient (3)
In a division formula, the divisor is not changed, the divisor is expanded to three times of the original, and the quotient is reduced to one third of the original

In a division formula, if the sum of the divisor, divisor and quotient is 3.5, if the quotient is 0.8, what is the divisor? If the divisor is 1.5, what is the quotient?

The divisor is [(3.5-0.8) / (1 + 0.8)] * 0.8 = 1.2
The quotient is (3.5-1.5) / (1 + 1.5) = 0.8

The quotient of a division formula without remainder is 3 / 4, and the sum of the divisor and the divisor is 104
Business is 11 / 15

Let the divisor be 11x, then the divisor is 15x
Then the divisor is 44
The divisor is 60
The solution of column formula
There are 11 divisors, 15 divisors and 26 in total
The proportion of each copy was 26 / 104
The divisor is 11 / (26 / 104) = 44
The divisor is 15 / (26 / 104) = 60

In a division formula, if the divisor is constant and the divisor is multiplied by 3, then the quotient of the formula is 3. If the divisor and the divisor are multiplied by 3 at the same time, what is the quotient,


According to the multiplication formula, write two division formulas respectively. 5 / 8 * 1 / 2 = 5 / 16 () △ () = (), () △ () = ()
26 out of 33 * 11 = 26 out of 3, () / () = (), () / () = ()

5 / 8 * 1 / 2 = 5 / 16
(5 / 16) / (5 / 8) = (1 / 2), (5 / 16) / (1 / 2) = (5 / 8)
26 out of 33 * 11 = 26 out of 3
(26 / 3) / (11) = (26 / 33), (26 / 3) / (26 / 33) = (11)

Divide 3 / 4 kg into 5 parts on average, and find out how much is 1 part, that is, find out how much is () of 3 / 4 kg, and list it as multiplication formula, and list it as division formula

Divide 3 / 4 kg into 5 parts on average, and find out how much is 1 part, that is to find out how much is 1 / 5 of 3 / 4 kg
The column multiplication formula is (3 / 4x1 / 5) and the column division formula is (3 / 4 △ 5)