How to convert a Chinese character location code into a national standard code? It's better to list a list

How to convert a Chinese character location code into a national standard code? It's better to list a list

Area code and bit code are converted into internal code after adding 20h, for example: location code 5448, where area code 54 (hexadecimal 36h) bit code 48 (hexadecimal 30h) 36h + 20h - & gt; 56h, 30h + 20h - & gt; 50h, so the national standard code of the word is 5650h

How to convert Chinese national standard code and internal code
For example: 2. If the national standard code of a Chinese character is 5031h, the internal code of the Chinese character is (ddb1h)
How do you figure this out

GB code + 80h = internal code
So 5031h + 8080h = d0b1h
PS: if you don't understand,

If the location code of Chinese character "Zhong" is 5448, what is its corresponding GB code?
5448 is converted into hexadecimal 3630, international code = 3630h + 2020h = 5650h

7468 is wrong! Direct 54 + 20 = 7448 + 20 = 68, then international code is 74681. Internal code and location code internal code high byte = (area code) H + a0h internal code low byte = (bit code) H + a0h2. National standard code and location code national standard code high byte = (area code) H + 20h national standard code low byte = (bit code) H + 20h3

What are the common Chinese character coding standards? How many areas are GB2312-80 divided into? How many bits are there in each area?

Do you study computer? The commonly used Chinese character coding standards are big-5gbk and GB2312-80. GB2312-80 is divided into 94 areas, each area contains 94 characters, a total of 6763 Chinese characters

Chinese national standard code GB2312-80 is a__________ Byte encoding

The Chinese character code specified in the Chinese national standard code (GB2312-80) uses two bytes for each Chinese character, so it is a double byte code

According to Chinese national standard code GB2312_ What is the number of Chinese characters commonly used in the first level?

According to Chinese national standard code GB2312_ 80,
There are 3755 commonly used Chinese characters in the first level, which are arranged in alphabetical order of Chinese pinyin;
There are 3008 secondary Chinese characters, arranged by radicals

How can the ASCII code of Chinese characters be negative?
I use ASC () of VB to get negative number, for example, the value of ASCII of "middle" should be 20013, and I get - 10544, while ASCII has no negative number. I want to know what the meaning of these two numbers is, what is the difference, what is the relationship between them, and how to convert them?

Chinese characters stored in the computer, known as: machine code
It is fundamentally different from ASCII code
ASCII code is used to store Arabic numerals, English, symbols and so on
The internal code of "Zhong" is d6d0
D6d0, as a signed number, written as a decimal number is - 10544;
D6d0, as an unsigned number, written as a decimal number is 54992

Is ASCII code a Chinese character code?
Judge and explain the reasons: 1. ASCII code is a kind of Chinese character code
2. The binary subtracter of complement operation is generally used to realize the operation of fixed-point binary number addition and subtraction
3. In floating-point representation, the more bits of order code, the higher the numerical accuracy
4. Only fixed-point operation can overflow, floating-point operation will not overflow
1. Index addressing requires a register number and a value to be provided in the instruction
2. The more instructions the computer has, the stronger the function the better
3. Program counter PC is mainly used to solve the execution order of instructions
4. The running speed of microprogrammed controller is generally faster than that of hardwired controller
1. The time for CPU to access the memory is determined by the memory capacity. The larger the memory capacity is, the longer the time for CPU to access the memory is
2. The purpose of introducing virtual storage system is to speed up the access speed of external memory
3. According to the data transmission mode between host and interface, input / output interface can be divided into serial interface and parallel interface
4. DMA controller sends DMA request signal to CPU through interrupt

This corresponding, dare not guarantee all right
1. Error. Ascll does not contain Chinese character code, but Unicode contains Chinese character code
2. Generally, adder is used to realize the operation of fixed-point binary number addition and subtraction
3. Wrong
4. Error. Floating point operations also overflow
5. Right
6. Wrong. Theoretically, it should be, but not necessarily
7. Correct. PC stores the address of the program
8. Wrong
9. Error. Size independent
10. Error. To expand memory
11. Right
12. Right

How can Chinese characters and letters be distinguished by ASCII code?
ASCII code: American (National) standard for information exchange (generation) code, a scheme using 7 or 8 binary bits for encoding, which can assign (or specify) values to up to 256 characters (including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, control characters and other symbols)
ASCII code was proposed in 1968 to realize data transmission standardization in different computer hardware and software systems. It is used in most minicomputers and all personal computers. ASCII code is divided into two sets: 128 character standard ascii code and 128 character extended ASCII code
Each Chinese character has a binary code, called Chinese national standard code
In Chinese character code standard GB2312 - 80, there are 6763 Chinese characters with binary code
Each Chinese character uses 2 bytes
GB2312-80 GB2312 divides the code table into 94 areas, corresponding to the first byte; each area has 94 bits, corresponding to the second byte. The values of the two bytes are area code value and bit code value plus 32 (2OH), so they are also called location code. Area 01-09 is symbol and number area, and area 16-87 is Chinese character area, Areas 10-15 and 88-94 are blank areas to be further standardized. GB2312 divides the Chinese characters into two levels: the first level is 3755 commonly used Chinese characters, which are arranged in 16-55 areas according to the order of Pinyin letters / strokes; the second level is 3008 second commonly used Chinese characters, which are arranged in 56-87 areas according to the order of radicals / strokes. Therefore, GB2312 can express 6763 Chinese characters at most
This passage is not very clear. Can we take specific Chinese characters as an example?

Simply put, the first byte of ASCII is less than 128
Chinese characters are larger than 128

Is the ASCII code value of the same English letter the same as the internal code value in the Chinese character system?

When the system uses Unicode encoding, it is different;
When the system uses UTF-8 coding, it is the same;
Mainly depends on whether your "Chinese character system" also uses a byte to save ASCII code