Are the first and second level common Chinese characters collected in GB 2312-80 arranged in alphabetic order?

Are the first and second level common Chinese characters collected in GB 2312-80 arranged in alphabetic order?

Information coding in the computer, all kinds of information exist in the form of binary code; that is to say, all kinds of information, whether it is text, graphics, sound, animation, or movies, are represented by binary code composed of 0 and 1 in the computer; the reason why the computer can distinguish these different information is that, The reason is that they adopt different coding rules. For example, for the same text, the coding rules of English letters and Chinese characters are different. English letters use single byte ASCII code, and Chinese characters use double byte internal code. However, with the change of demand, the coding rules of English letters and Chinese characters are different, There is a trend that these two codes will be replaced by the unified Unicode code (the character coding standard developed by the Unicode Association, which can represent almost all the writing languages in the world); of course, the coding of graphics, sounds, etc. will be more complex and diverse, The binary code of information in computer is a developing, advanced and interdisciplinary field of knowledge. 1. Character (English, including letters, numbers, punctuation, operators, etc.) coding. The American Standard Code for information interchange (American Standard Code for information interchange) is adopted in character coding, Each ASCII code is stored in 1 byte, and the number from 0 to 127 represents different common symbols. For example, the ASCII code of upper case a is 65, and that of lower case a is 97. Since the ASCII code only uses seven bits of the byte, the highest bit is not used, so later the highest bit is also incorporated into this set of codes to become an eight bit extended ASCII code, The basic ASCII character set has 128 characters, including 96 printable characters, including commonly used letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc., and 32 control characters. The standard ascii code uses 7 binary characters to encode characters, The corresponding ISO standard is iso646 standard. The following table shows the basic ASCII character set and its encoding: the memory of the ASCII code of letters and numbers is very simple. We only need to remember the ASCII code of a letter or number (for example, remember that the ASCII code of a is 65,0 is 48), and know that the difference between the corresponding large and small letters is 32, Although the standard ascii code is 7 bits, the basic processing unit of computer is byte (1 byte = 8 bit), Therefore, a byte is usually used to store an ASCII character. The extra bit (the highest bit) in each byte is usually kept at 0 in the computer (which can be used as parity bit in data transmission). Due to the limited number of characters in the standard ASCII character set, it is often unable to meet the requirements in practical application. Therefore, the international organization for standardization has formulated the ISO 2022 standard, It provides a unified method to expand the ASCII character set into 8-bit code on the premise of maintaining compatibility with iso646. ISO has successively formulated a number of extended ASCII character sets suitable for different regions. Each extended ASCII character set can expand 128 characters. The codes of these extended characters are 8-bit codes with high bit 1 (i.e. decimal number 128-255), It is called extended ASCII code. The following table shows the most popular set of extended ASCII character set and coding: 2. Coding of Chinese characters (1) internal code of Chinese characters. Chinese information is also stored in binary mode inside the computer. Due to the large number of Chinese characters, 128 states in one byte can not be expressed completely, Therefore, in the national standard GB2312-80, the Chinese character coding character set for information exchange issued by China in 1980, it is stipulated that a Chinese character is represented by two byte 16 bit binary system, and each byte only uses the lower 7 bits (the same as ASCII code), that is 128 × 128 = 16384 States, In order to avoid conflict, it can not be used as Chinese character coding. There are only 94 kinds of Chinese character coding table except 34 in 128, so the size of Chinese character coding table is 94 × 94 = 8836, which is used to represent 7445 Chinese characters and graphic symbols specified in the national standard code. Each Chinese character or graphic symbol is represented by two decimal area code (row code) and two decimal place code (column code) respectively, and the deficiency is supplemented by 0, The combination is location code. The binary code converted from location code according to certain rules is called information exchange code (hereinafter referred to as GB code). There are 6763 Chinese characters in GB code (first level Chinese characters, the most commonly used Chinese characters, are arranged in alphabetical order of Chinese Pinyin, with a total of 3755; second level Chinese characters, the second most commonly used Chinese characters, are arranged in stroke order of radical, with a total of 3008), There are 682 numbers, letters, symbols, etc., a total of 7445. Because the national standard code can not be directly stored in the computer, in order to facilitate the internal processing and storage of Chinese characters in the computer, and different from the ASCII code, the highest bit of each byte in the national standard code is changed to 1, thus forming the code used for the storage and operation of Chinese characters in the computer, which is called internal code (or internal code of Chinese characters), The internal code has a simple corresponding relationship with the national standard code, which is easy to convert, and is obviously different from the ASCII code, and has a unified standard (the internal code is unique). (2) the external code of Chinese characters is not conducive to the input of Chinese characters, whether it is the location code or the national standard code. The Chinese character code formulated to facilitate the input of Chinese characters is called the Chinese character input code. The Chinese character input code belongs to the external code, The common input methods are as follows: coding according to the order of Chinese characters (stream code): such as location code; coding according to the pronunciation of Chinese characters (sound code): such as Quanpin, Jianpin, Shuangpin, etc.; coding according to the shape of Chinese characters (shape code): such as WuBi font, Zheng code, etc.; coding according to the pronunciation of Chinese characters (sound code): such as WuBi font, Zheng code, etc; The code formed by the combination of Chinese characters' sound and shape (sound and shape code): such as natural code and intelligent ABC. The input code must be converted into internal code in the computer for storage and processing. (3) Chinese characters' shape code in order to output Chinese characters on the display or printer, Chinese characters are designed into dot matrix according to graphic symbols, The set of all Chinese character codes is called Chinese character library. Chinese character library can be divided into soft character library and hard character library. The soft character library is stored on the hard disk in the form of files, which is now commonly used. The hard character library solidifies the character library in a separate memory chip, and then forms an interface card with other necessary devices, which is inserted into the computer, usually called Han card The font library used for display is called display font library. Generally, 16 × 16 dot matrix or 24 × 24 dot matrix or 48 × 48 dot matrix is used to display a Chinese character. Given the size of the dot matrix, the byte space needed to store a Chinese character can be calculated. For example, to represent a Chinese character with 16 × 16 dot matrix means that each Chinese character is represented by 16 lines, 16 dots in each line, and a dot requires 1 bit binary code, 16 points need 16 bit binary code (i.e. 2 bytes), 16 lines in total, so it needs 16 lines × 2 bytes / line = 32 bytes, i.e. 16 × 16 dot matrix represents a Chinese character, font code needs 32 bytes, i.e. number of bytes = number of dot matrix rows × number of dot matrix columns / 8. The font library used for printing is called print font library, in which there are more Chinese characters than display font library, It can be understood that the internal code (such as the national standard code) is formed by the unified coding method for representing Chinese characters in the computer, and the internal code is unique. The Chinese character code formed to facilitate the input of Chinese characters is the input code, which belongs to the external code of Chinese characters, The Chinese character code formed for displaying and printing Chinese characters is glyph code. The computer finds out the glyph code of Chinese characters in the font library through the internal code of Chinese characters to realize its conversion
This is the first time that we have been able to do this

According to the 16 × 16 dot matrix, the Chinese character library for storing the first level Chinese characters (3755 in total) in GB 2312-80 will take up about 2 hours______ Storage space

The storage space of a Chinese character is: 16 * 16 = 256 bits
Converted to bytes: 256 / 8 = 32 bytes
Then the storage space of 3755 Chinese characters should be: 32 * 3755 = 120160 bytes
The final conversion to kilobytes is: 120160 / 1024 = 117.34375kb, so the answer is: 117.34375kb is about 118kb

The national standard code for Chinese characters (GB2312-80) divides Chinese characters into three categories according to their frequency of use__________ There are three levels


The Chinese national standard Chinese character information interchange code is

Information Technology Chinese coded character set gb18030-2005

Chinese character exchange code is also called national standard code?

Chinese character exchange code is the national standard GB2312-80 code. China has been using the national standard code as the unified Chinese character information exchange code. It includes 6763 Chinese characters, which are divided into 3755 first-class Chinese characters and 3008 second-class Chinese characters according to their frequency of use
The area code and bit code of location code are in decimal system from 01 to 94, and the national standard code is in hexadecimal system from 21h to 73h (the number is followed by H, which means it is a hexadecimal number). The conversion relationship between location code and national standard code is: the area code and bit code are respectively added with decimal number 32. For example, the location code of "country" is 2590 and the national standard code is 397ah in 25 rows and 90 columns of the table
For reference only

How can the word "Tian" be written in one stroke?

This word can't be written in one stroke. To draw a graph in one stroke, all the nodes on the graph need to be connected with even number of edges, or only two nodes connected with odd number of edges. Tian character has four nodes connected with odd number of edges, so it can't be drawn in one stroke

How can the word "Tian" be written down without repetition?

Stamp! No pen~

What is the word Tian Changyi

Inside a vertical change to Pai, white

What is the word Tian Jian Yi

Japanese character

How to write "Tian" after one stroke

It's a normal mathematical problem. It's impossible to write the word "Tian" in one stroke. To be able to draw a figure in one stroke, there can only be two odd intersections at most, one at the starting point and one at the ending point of one stroke. If there are more than two odd intersections, it's impossible to draw the word "Tian" in one stroke. So it's impossible to draw it in one stroke!