Adding the proper operation symbol between the eight eights is that the formula is 88 = 88

Adding the proper operation symbol between the eight eights is that the formula is 88 = 88


How to make positive number show positive sign and negative number show sign in Excel

Custom format: [> 0] "+" 0; "-" 0

How to add operation symbols to 4 7S, the result is equal to 2 (7 = 2)


The rational number is divided into positive number and negative number. The sum of the two numbers must be greater than any one
If two numbers are subtracted, the difference must be less than the subtracted

Two numbers with different symbols and added to zero are opposite to each other
Rational numbers are divided into positive, negative and zero
The sum of two positive numbers must be greater than any one
If the subtraction is positive, the difference must be less than the subtracted
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When the operation symbol is added to the four 4's, the final result is 7
such as
Note: operation symbol is filled in the circle


Input a group of non-zero integers from the keyboard, end with the 0 flag, calculate the average value of the group of integers, and count the number of positive and negative numbers
using namespace std;
int main(){

#Include & lt; iostream & gt; using namespace STD; int main() {& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; cout & lt; & lt; & lt;; enter a set of non-zero integers from the keyboard and end with the Enter 0 flag: & lt; & lt; endl; / / & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Define new operation symbol *,
If AB is odd and even, then a * b = (a + b) △ 2;
If it is odd and even, then a * b = (a + B + 1) △ 2;
So, 2002 * 2004 * 2006 * 2008 * 2010 =?


What is the meaning of adding a sign before a negative number, such as: [- (- 3)], [+ (- 6)]

Negative is positive, positive is negative, positive is positive

Operation symbol ":
Such as 18: () = ()%

The operation symbol "Bi" means to divide two numbers
For example, 18: (100) = (18)%

Enter your question: if the solution of the linear equation AX + B = 0 (a ≠ 0) with one variable about X is negative, what is the sign of a and B? Is the solution positive?

The solution of the equation is as follows
A = 0, B = 0, then x is any number
2. A ≠ 0, x = - (B / a). In this case, if a and B have the same sign, then x is negative; if a and B have different signs, then x is positive