What is analytic hierarchy process in modern Chinese?

What is analytic hierarchy process in modern Chinese?

Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), also known as "direct component analysis", is a method to analyze the structure of the direct components of syntactic units (including phrases and sentences). Since dichotomy is used as much as possible in the process of segmentation, AHP is also called "dichotomy"
1. Basic analysis principles
On the surface, grammar is a linear sequence of symbols. Linear arrangement refers to the form that is spoken or written in chronological order. However, grammatical structure is hierarchical. Hierarchy refers to the different order of syntactic units in combination
Behind the surface linear relationship is implicit hierarchical relationship. Small grammatical unit is a part of large grammatical unit, and large grammatical unit is a combination of small grammatical units, which can become a part of larger grammatical unit
In general, each level of a grammatical structure directly contains two grammatical units smaller than it. These two small grammatical units are direct components, and each direct component can contain smaller direct components
For example:
We do social surveys
|Master||____ Predicate_______ |
|_ On the object____ |
|_ In the middle|
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a sentence analysis method that divides a syntactic unit (except the phrase composed of multiple direct components such as joint phrase) into two direct components layer by layer until it can no longer be segmented
2. Analysis process
The analytic process of analytic hierarchy process includes two steps: the first step is to segment the structural hierarchy, and the second step is to determine the structural relationship
For example:
He went to America last year
|__ ||___________________ |Subject predicate relation
|___ ||______________ |Relationship between state and medium
|________ | |__ |The relation between predicate and object
|_ | |___ |The relationship between predicate and complement
In the process of segmentation, we should pay attention to:
① The first step segmentation is very important. If the first step segmentation is not correct, it is easy to make all mistakes
② It must be segmented layer by layer until every notional word is analyzed
③ In order to avoid the omission in the process of segmentation, we usually adopt the steps of segmentation from left to right, from top to bottom and block by block
3. Graphical representation of analytic hierarchy process
The commonly used graphic representations in AHP are segmentation, combination and tree diagram
① Segmentation method
Segmentation is the most commonly used method. The phrase or sentence to be analyzed is taken as a whole
For example:
A successful bid for the Olympic Games will contribute to China's reform and opening up
|_ Master__ | |______ Predicate________________ |
|The main meaning|_ Narration_ |______ Bin___________ |
|__ Set up_ Medium_______ |
|Union + Union|
② Combination method
The combination method is to segment the phrases or sentences to be analyzed into words, and then combine them from small to large
His brother goes to university in Beijing
|_ Set in_ | |_ Introduction guest_ | |_ Shubin_|
| |____ In shape____ |
|_____ Subject predicate______ |
③ Tree diagram
The tree diagram is used to connect the related structural analysis with vertical and diagonal lines, so as to show the structural relations within the syntactic units
/ \
Subject predicate
/ \ / \
Partial positive predicate object
| | | |
Heating equipment failure
4. Advantages of analytic hierarchy process
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) can reveal the hierarchical relationship of syntactic unit combination, conform to the objective law of language structure, and effectively differentiate some ambiguous structures
For example:
A the clothes are clean. B the pit is shallow
|___ ||_________ | |_ ||_______ |
|_______ | |_ ||____ |
|_ | |___ |
Hole C1 is deep. Hole C2 is deep
|_ ||_______ | |_ ||______ |
|_ ||___ | |____ |
|_ ||_|
The above three sentences, which are composed of "noun + Verb + adjective", can be distinguished from each other by analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and can effectively differentiate the ambiguous structure similar to "dig deep"
5. The limitation of analytic hierarchy process
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) can not reveal the deep semantic relationship within the syntactic structure
For example:
No more chicken
|_ ||________ |Subject predicate relation
|_ | |_ |Relationship between state and medium
There is only one internal hierarchical relationship of "chicken no longer eating", which can be understood as "chicken no longer eating", or "chicken no longer eating". For another example, "Lu Xun's books" can refer to both "Lu Xun's collection of books" and "Lu Xun's works"
The internal hierarchical relations of these ambiguous structures are the same, but the implicit deep semantic relations are different