How to read some symbols in Higher Mathematics

How to read some symbols in Higher Mathematics

Serial number capital small English phonetic international phonetic alphabet phonetic Chinese phonetic alphabet
1 α alpha A: LF alpha
Beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta
3 Γ Gamma: m gamma
Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta
5 Ε ε epsilon EP ` silon
6 Ζ ζ zeta zat tower
West Tower
9 ι IOT aiot Yota
Kappa kappa
Lambda lambd lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda lambda
12 μ Mu mju
13 Nu nju
14 Ξ ξ Xi Ksi
15 Ο Omicron omik ` Ron
16 Π π PI Pai school
17 Ρ ρ Rho Rou meat
18 sigma ` sigma Sigma
20 ч V upsilon JUP ` silon
21 Φ Phi Fai Buddha love
22 Χ Chi Phai West
23 ψ psi PSAI Pusi
24 Ω Omega o ` MIGA Omega

How to read all the symbols in high numbers and their corresponding meanings?
I'm a single mother. For my baby, I want to continue to study. Recently, I'm studying advanced mathematics by myself to prepare for the exam. There are many symbols in the book that I don't know how to read and it's hard to remember. I hope someone will tell me which knowledge point each symbol appears in,
Some can't even type because they can't read... So they can't check

There are many symbols. I can't write them completely
You can search the Internet for symbols,
What knowledge points appear in this book can be roughly known,
But the meaning of symbols, this is more cumbersome to explain

How to read and what is the meaning of the letter symbols in high numbers?
How to read the sign of sine function y = SiNx x ∈ R "∈"?

X belongs to the set of real numbers (R)
Reading "belong to"