Take 1, 2, 3 and 4 and arrange them in a row from small to large. Insert a multiplier sign between these four numbers to get () different products This is a difficult math problem

Take 1, 2, 3 and 4 and arrange them in a row from small to large. Insert a multiplier sign between these four numbers to get () different products This is a difficult math problem

Is it hard?
The most stupid way is to calculate one by one~
According to the meaning of the title, it can be divided into three cases: one, two and three
In the case of the first case:
There are two cases
There are three cases
The calculation shows that the seven numbers are different, so there are seven different results~

How to input the "multiplication sign" and "division sign" on the computer keyboard

* shift+8
/Next to the shift key, please accept

What is the difference between the point multiplication sign and the difference multiplication sign in physics?

Multiplication of two vectors equals scalar, dot multiplication. Multiplication of two vectors equals vector, cross multiplication

Can the multiplication sign be omitted when the letter is multiplied by the letter?
Can the multiplication sign in a * a be omitted? Can the multiplication sign in a * B be omitted?
Can the multiplication sign be written as "'" when a number is multiplied by a number

If the multiplication sign in a * a is omitted, it must be written as the square of A,
The multiplication sign in a * B can be omitted and written as ab
The multiplication sign "X" is usually written for multiplication of numbers. Dot multiplication is seldom used because it is easy to mix with decimal point