Use 13, - 5, - 3,7 to make the result 24 and write the formula

Use 13, - 5, - 3,7 to make the result 24 and write the formula

For reference!

1. 8, 24, 36 use four mixed operations to make a formula of 24, each number can only be used once


The formula is composed of five symbols: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and bracket, so that the value is 24


Use "+, -, ×, △ and brackets" to calculate the numbers 4, 4, 10 and 10 so that the result is 24


On the operation law of rational numbers
Monkey King changes into two at a time, two changes into four, eight Sixteen Thirty two
If the monkey king changes 80 times in a row
(1) So how many Wukong are there in total? (a little confused, it's better to explain)
(2) The weight of the earth is about 5.9 * 10 ^ 23kg. According to the formula, the total weight of these Wukong is about 50kg

1.2 ^ 80 the 80th power of two
Every time you change * 2, you multiply it by 2 80 times, that is, to the 80th power of 2
2.50 * 2 ^ 80 is about 6 * 10 ^ 25kg, which is 100 times of the earth

The subtraction of rational numbers is the operation of the method of rational numbers

The subtraction of rational numbers is the (inverse) operation of rational numbers (addition)

How to calculate the mixed operation of multiplication and division of rational numbers?


How to use rational number to calculate () - (- 21) = 37

( )-(-21)=37
( )=37+(-21)

How to calculate the multiplication and division of rational numbers?
What are the steps?

Rational score:
If there are even negative numbers, the answer must be positive. If there are odd negative numbers, the answer must be negative
Rational integer:
If there are even negative numbers, the answer must be positive. If there are odd negative numbers, the answer must be negative

The rule of mixed operation of rational number addition and subtraction

Same level operation from left to right (from left to right)
The operation of different levels is first two and then one (the operation of two levels is calculated first, then the operation of one level is calculated, where × / is the second level and + - is the first level)
Those with brackets are inside first and then outside