0 divided by a negative number equals 0 0/-1=?

0 divided by a negative number equals 0 0/-1=?

0 divided by any number = 0 (0 / 0 is meaningless)

Is there a remainder between a negative number and an integer?

Remainder is the concept of division of positive integers in primary school. In fact, the remainder can be expressed by fractions. For example, 43 divided by 7 equals 6, and the remainder 1 can be expressed as 1 / 6 of 7
The negative number divided by an integer can be considered as a positive number division, followed by a negative sign

Why are positive and negative numbers introduced?
Give an example

The actual needs of life, profit and loss, expenditure and income, and so on, are difficult to explain only with positive numbers, so negative numbers are introduced!

Multiplication of fractions in mathematical problems
It's easy,
7 7
- multiply by 7 + - =?
8 8
Speed answer

Is your question: (7 / 8) * 7 + 7 / 8 =?
If so, 7
That is, (7 / 8) * (7 + 1) = (7 / 8) * 8 = 7

After a barrel of oil is used up, there is still 5 / 2 left. 5 / 2 means that () is regarded as a unit of "one", () accounts for 5 / 2 of (), and the used oil accounts for () of a barrel of oil
This year's output is 10 / 1 higher than that of last year. 10 / 1 means that () is regarded as "1". If () accounts for 10 / 1 of the "1" of the unit, then this year is the same as last year's ()
When the ice turns into water, the volume will decrease by 11 / 1. 11 / 1 means that () is regarded as the unit of "1", and () accounts for 11 / 1 of the unit of "1", so the volume of water is equal to that of ice

After a barrel of oil is used up, there is still 5 / 2 left. 5 / 2 means to regard (a barrel of oil) as a unit of "one", (the remaining) accounts for 5 / 2 of (a barrel of oil) and (5 / 3) of (a barrel of oil) is used up
This year's output is 10 / 1 higher than that of last year. 10 / 1 means that (last year's output) is regarded as "1". If (this year's increase) accounts for 10 / 1 of the unit "1", then this year's is (11 / 1) of last year's
When ice turns into water, the volume will decrease by 11 / 1. 11 / 1 means that (ice volume) is regarded as unit "1", and (water reduced volume) accounts for 11 / 1 of unit "1", so the volume of water is equivalent to (11 / 10) of ice

Given that 1 / 19 = 1 / A + 1 / B, a and B are different natural numbers, and a > b, find the values of a and B

Your question is very interesting

(fractional multiplication) below
1. Make a rectangle with 12 squares of 4 and 1 / 2 cm in length. What's its area?
2. The grocery store has 7-2 / 1 bag of rice. The manager divides each bag of rice into 6 small bags. Each small bag weighs 1-5 / 4 kg. How many kg are there in the grocery store?
3. Mom bought 1 / 2 kg of candy, and she gave half of it to grandma. How much is the candy worth?
4. A double decker bus has 40 seats on the lower floor. The passengers have taken 7 / 8 of all the seats on the lower floor, of which 3 / 5 are male passengers. How many male passengers are there on the lower floor?
5. (the length of the yellow ribbon is 3 and 1 / 4 meters, and the length of the red ribbon is? Meters.)
The length of red ribbon is 3 / 5 of yellow ribbon. The total length of red ribbon is meter

1. Build a rectangle with 12 squares of 4 and 1 / 2 cm in side length. Its area is 243 square centimeters?
2. The general store has 7.2% of the total rice. The manager divides each bag of rice into 6 small bags, each of which weighs 1.5% of 4 kg?
3. Mom bought 1 / 2 kg of candy, and she gave half of it to grandma. How much is the candy worth?
I don't know the unit price per kilogram of candy. I can't calculate it
4. A double decker bus has 40 seats on the lower floor. The passengers have taken 7 / 8 of all the seats on the lower floor, of which 3 / 5 are male passengers. There are 21 male passengers on the lower floor?
5. (the length of the yellow ribbon is 3 and 1 / 4 meters, and the length of the red ribbon is? Meters.)
The length of red ribbon is 3 / 5 of yellow ribbon. The total length of red ribbon is 39 meters in 4 minutes

(1) 362 + 548 by 361
(this is the fraction line)
362 times 548 minus 186
(2) 204 + 584 by 1991
13 points less
1992 times 584 minus 380

(362+548*361) /(362*548-186)
=(362+548*362-548) /(362*548-186)
=(548*362-548) /(362*548-186)
(204+584*1991)/(1992*584-380) -13/12
=(204+584*1992-584)/(1992*584-380) -13/12\
=(584*1992-380)/(1992*584-380) -13/12
= -1/12

A division problem, the correct quotient is 3.45. When doing this problem, Qiang Qiang moves the decimal point of the divisor one place to the right and the decimal point of the divisor one place to the left

It can be seen from the title: Qiang Qiang moves the decimal point of the divisor one place to the right and the decimal point of the divisor one place to the left when doing this problem. That is to say, the divisor is expanded by 10 times and the divisor is reduced by 10 times. According to the change law of quotient, Qiang Qiang's quotient should be 3.45x10x10 = 345

In division, if the decimal point of the divisor is moved to the right by two digits, the quotient () must be kept unchanged, and the decimal point of the divisor () must be changed

In division, if the divisor is moved two places to the right, the quotient will be changed to one percent of the original. To keep the quotient unchanged, the decimal point of the divisor should also be moved two places to the right