This is how to calculate simply 4.5 + 7.8 × 2.5 △ × 0.55 + 6.75 × 11 / 20 Find the unknown x 1.0.36 × 5-4 of 3x equals 2.0.5:5 of 1 equals 1:4 of X

This is how to calculate simply 4.5 + 7.8 × 2.5 △ × 0.55 + 6.75 × 11 / 20 Find the unknown x 1.0.36 × 5-4 of 3x equals 2.0.5:5 of 1 equals 1:4 of X

1.4.5 + 7.8 × 2.5 ÷ 1.3 = 4.5 + 6 × 2.5 = 4.5 + 15 = × 0.55 + 6.75 × 20 of 11 = (3.25 + 6.75) × 0.55 = × 5-4 of 3x equals 2 of 5, 1.8-0.4 = 0.75x, 1.4 = 0.75x, x = 28 / of 1 equals 1 of 4: x0.5x = 1 / 20, x = 1 / 10

If it can be easily calculated, it can be easily calculated
3.97×0.5×2 4.8×0.25 50.4×1.9-1.8 9.07-22.78÷3.4

3.97×0.5×2 =3.97×(0.5×2)=3.97×1=3.974.8×0.25 =1.2×(4×0.25)=1.2×1=1.250.4×1.9-1.8 =50.4×(2-0.1)-1.8=50.4×2-50.4×0.1-1.8=100.8-5.04-1.8=100.8-(5.04+1.8)=100.8-6.84=93.969.07-22.78÷3....

Off form calculation
(5 / 6-5 / 8 + 1 / 12) * 24 4 divided by 8 / 3-0.6 9 / 10 + 3 / 8 divided by 5 / 4-1 / 5
= = =
= = =
= = =
5 / 14 divided by 4 / 21 * 0.64 624-197
= =
= =
= =
13 divided by 2.5 1 + 2 + 3 + +99+100 0.9+0.99+0.999+0.9999
= = =
= = =
= = =


Does anyone know how to calculate linear regression equation by least square method?

y = Ax + B:
A = sigma [(yi-y mean) * (xi-x mean)]/
Sigma [(xi-x mean) squared];
B = y-means-a * x-means;

How to find B and a of linear regression equation

And it is the sample variance of the observed value
The linear equation is called the linear regression equation about, which is called the regression coefficient, and the corresponding line is called the regression line. By the way, it is also needed in the future, where is the sample variance of the observation value
Using formula to find B=
A = y (mean) - B * (mean)

Need 70, division more, 2-digit division (multiply) 2-digit, good can also add points, up to 80 points, urgent!

330÷11= 6×800= 5400÷9= 420÷60= 330÷11= 5400÷9= 420÷60=390÷13= 6300÷700=5600÷700= 4800÷12= 3500÷7= 7000÷70= 4000÷80= 2400÷200= 8800÷400= 9300÷300= 1800÷200= 9300÷30= 280÷40=...

Fourth grade disjunction calculation
60 questions is enough. Ha ha, trouble