Integral addition and subtraction exercise 1.2 knowledge and skills page 9 correct complete score Calculate (1) (3K & sup2; (3K & sup2; + 7K) + (4K & sup2; - 3K + 1) (2) (3x & sup2; + 2xy-1 / 2xy-2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2xy-2y-2y & sup2; (3x & sup2; (2xy-1; (2xy-1-2xy-2xy-2xy-2y-2xy-2y & sup2; (2) (3x & sup2; (3x & sup2; + 2x-2; (2xy-1-1 / 2xy-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 - (2x & 2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2 3, Y = 8 / 3; (3) 4Y & sup2; - (X & sup2; + y) + (X & sup2; - 4Y & sup2;), where x = - 28, y = 18

Integral addition and subtraction exercise 1.2 knowledge and skills page 9 correct complete score Calculate (1) (3K & sup2; (3K & sup2; + 7K) + (4K & sup2; - 3K + 1) (2) (3x & sup2; + 2xy-1 / 2xy-2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2xy-2y-2y & sup2; (3x & sup2; (2xy-1; (2xy-1-2xy-2xy-2xy-2y-2xy-2y & sup2; (2) (3x & sup2; (3x & sup2; + 2x-2; (2xy-1-1 / 2xy-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 / 2x-1 - (2x & 2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2; (2x & sup2; (2x-2 3, Y = 8 / 3; (3) 4Y & sup2; - (X & sup2; + y) + (X & sup2; - 4Y & sup2;), where x = - 28, y = 18

(1) 7k²+4k+i (2) x ²+3xy-3/2x (3) 4a ²+2b (4) x ²-y ²
(1) -7 (2) 3/2 (3) -18

The addition and subtraction of integral in the first grade of junior high school
Let n denote any integer, and use the formula of n to express:
(1) Any even number;
(2) Any odd number

Any even number
Any odd number

How to do the third question on page 19 of sixth grade knowledge and ability training mathematics
It's a cube with a length of 4 decimeters in Volume I. the water tank is full of water. If you pour this box of water into a cuboid 8 decimeters long and 4 decimeters wide, how deep is the water

2 decimeters, the volume of water is constant, 4x4x4 = 8x4x?