Chicken and rabbit are in the same cage, with 45 heads on the top and 126 feet on the bottom?

Chicken and rabbit are in the same cage, with 45 heads on the top and 126 feet on the bottom?

Suppose all rabbits, then chickens have: (45 × 4-126) △ 4-2, = 54 △ 2, = 27 (rabbits), then rabbits have: 45-27 = 18 (rabbits), answer: there are 27 chickens and 18 rabbits

Circle the words that are similar to the underlined words
1.The country is a quiet and [calm] place.(still friendly exciting)
2.The city is a [noisy] place.You hear car horns honking.(loud quiet pretty)
3.Rhere are many [busy] people all around you .(friendly actibe happy)

1 friendly2 loud3 actibe

Summer homework Chinese and English grade 4 Volume 2 two questions on page 64

Aa Hh Kk Jj
Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv
Ii Yy
Uu Qq Ww
Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz
RR, I'd better do it myself in the future

My name is( ).I'm a ( ).I'm a( ).( )I like( ).My best friend is( ).He/She likes( )very much.


English translation
Bob's mom is mad.
His room is mess!
She says,“Clean your room!”
Bob puts his toys under his bed.
Bob puts his dirty clothes under his bed.
Bob puts his books under his bed.
He says,“My room is clean now.”

Bob's mother is going crazy,
Bob's room is a mess!
His mother said, "clean up your room!"
Bob stuffed his toys under his bed
Bob stuffed his dirty clothes under his bed
Bob stuffed his books under his bed
He said, "my room is clean now."

most urgent!

P70 1 · 352164 (horizontal) 2 · spring winter71to: my pen p alSUBJECT:Hi , I'm (name, Pinyin) (name, Pinyin) (home) (13) (Friday) (English) (P.E.) (Art) (Friday) (Apple) (sweet) (Miss Cai) (English) (talk) (pretty) (she is

Like a skirt 50 yuan
How much is the srirt?
It's 50 yuan
1. 2 yuan per loaf
( )

2. A pair of shoes is 28 yuan
How much are the sandals?
(They're )
3. A pair of trousers is 28 yuan

How much is the bread?
It's 2 yuan
They're 28 yuan
How much are the trouses?
They're 28 yuan

Summer homework English grade four
1. Change one letter of the given word to another according to the prompts
(1) Call → () (a toy)


1. Translate the passage,
I do not 't have a mouth,but I can biow things.Ito `t have legs,but I can soon.L very loudly,and I was very moved.But when I stood still the same,I am nothing.Who am I

I have no mouth but I can blow. I have no feet but I can walk very fast. Sometimes I am noisy and move very fast. But when I am still, I am nothing. Who am I?
The answer is: wind

You have it.You read it.There 're some pictures in it.What A mouse has a large pocket.What It has a head, but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.No Feel, but can travel
