All prime numbers within 100 fast

All prime numbers within 100 fast

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97

What are the prime numbers within 100


Prime number refers to the number that can be divided by itself except 1
I haven't used it for several years. I forgot it, ha ha

Prime number means that there are no other factors except 1 and itself. 1 contains these two identities, so it can't. just calculate the number of factors. Prime number factors must be two. 1 and 0 are not prime numbers, nor composite numbers {composite numbers are numbers with three or more factors}

What are the odd and prime numbers within 100?

You can do that
Write all the numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper
Then cross out 1
Then cross out the multiples of 2
Then cross out the multiples of 3
Because 4 has been crossed out as a multiple of 2
So jump to 5
Cross out multiples of 5
The last thing not crossed out is the prime number
You can remove the 2 as you want

Xiao Ming multiplies the month of his birthday by 31 and the date by 12. The sum of the two products equals 400. Q: what month and day is Xiao Ming's birthday?

31x + 12Y = 400, and then you are a high school student? If so, you can use the method of solving the indefinite equation. Otherwise, you can algebra one by one, and let y be an integer. There are 12 cases in total (in fact, X must be a multiple of 4, which can be proved, so just bring in 4, 8, 12 for a try); the solution date is April 23

The sum of five consecutive natural numbers is 45, and the five numbers are
Divide 45 by 5 to get 9, 9 is the average of these numbers, 9-1 = 8, 8-1 = 7
9+1=10 10+1=11

Why is the sum of any 1999 consecutive natural numbers odd or even

You can think of it as a number x plus 1998 continuous natural numbers. Adding 1998 continuous natural numbers is equivalent to adding 999 odd numbers to get odd numbers. However, because you can't determine whether x is odd or even, you can't determine the odd and even of the sum of the whole sequence

The sum of 100 continuous natural numbers is 8250, and the odd number (the first,...) in the 100 numbers is removed What is the sum of the remaining 50 numbers?


The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 99. The three odd numbers are______ ,______ ,______ .

99 △ 3 = 33, 33-2 = 31, 33 + 2 = 35, answer: these three consecutive odd numbers are 31, 33, 35 respectively

Is the sum of 95 continuous natural numbers odd or even?

Let them be a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3 A: when the first number is odd, the sum is even; when the first number is even, the sum is odd