On the rational number of mixed operations more difficult questions (to have answers) urgent! Better have more!

On the rational number of mixed operations more difficult questions (to have answers) urgent! Better have more!

[-|98|+76+(-87)]*23[56+(-75)-(7)]-(8+4+3) 5+21*8/2-6-59 68/21-8-11*8+61 -2/9-7/9-56 4.6-(-3/4+1.6-4-3/4) 1/2+3+5/6-7/12 [2/3-4-1/4*(-0.4)]/1/3+2 22+(-4)+(-2)+4*3 -2*8-8*1/2+8/1/8 (2/3+1/2)/(-1/12)*(-1...

Mixed operation of addition and subtraction of integral
Come on, 20, all with multiple repeats

1、10a×10a=________ ; 2、a4·a6=____________ ; 3、x·x3·x11=___________ ; 4、-y·y7·y8=_______________ ; 5、(-1) 2003=___________ ; 6、( a+b)3=_______________ ; 7、t·t11=_____________ ; 8、(-s)...

For the mixed operation of addition, subtraction and multiplication of integers, it is necessary to___ Again____ The calculation is based on the operation of

For the mixed operation of addition, subtraction and multiplication of integers, it is necessary to calculate according to the operation of first [multiplication and division] and then [addition and subtraction]

Be sure to add answers


For the first volume of the fifth grade ten practical problems, there must be answers,

The answer is to make it by yourself. (1) a rope is 35 meters long, 14.75 meters long, how many meters are left? (2) a car runs 25 kilometers in 0.5 hours, how many kilometers in 1 hour? (3) two fifths of a batch of goods have been carried away, how many parts are left? (4) there are 50 students in a class, and the attendance rate today is 96%

More difficult mathematics problems in PEP fifth grade volume 2
What I want is a practical problem

Xiaoqiang walks 70 meters per minute and Xiaoliang walks 60 meters per minute. They walk back from the same place for 3 minutes at the same time. How many minutes can Xiaoqiang catch up with Xiaoliang?
When building a highway, the length of the road that has not been built is three times that of the road that has been built. If the road is built for another 300 meters, the length of the road that has not been built is two times that of the road that has been built?
How many questions do you want

Find the third grade out of form calculation
No decimals! For example: 180 △ 9-18, No. (6.8-6.8 × 0.55) △ 8.5 and so on. OK, add a reward immediately!
No answer is OK, but it can't be 6500 + 1250-3500 80 × 30 + 5600 9450-3200-4200
Such a thousand people

22×4+221 21×3+410 40÷2+174
147+72÷8 9×4+420 2×80÷4
120×5÷2 202+36÷9 30÷5+240
81÷9+877 66×5+774 921+7×4
80×6×2 770÷7+65 807+20÷2
100-50÷5 35-35÷7 302+30×2
600×8÷3 40+100÷5 434+25×5
60-12×3 64÷8+456 640+60×4
5×7-48÷6 42÷7+36÷6 37×4+19×8
10×4-20÷4 15÷3+10÷5 25÷5+42÷6
35÷5+8×7 72÷9-36÷6 21×4-54÷9
72÷8+9×5 36÷4+21×2 25÷5-16÷4
56÷7+36÷6 500×(400-396) 72÷9-5
564+264-453 7650-(546+4530) 65×9-450
9×80+980 9000-(4500+250) 6700+72÷8
14×6+9×5 900÷(71-68) 180÷9-42÷6
12÷6+45×3 8×(910-720) 760-540+1110
6500+1250-3500 80×30+5600 9450-3200-4200
2400÷6-45 800× 7-180 1600÷2+230
4000 ÷ 8 + 350 320÷8+64 270 ÷ 3 ×9
630 ÷ 9 + 320 2800+32× 6 300÷6×9
(6900-2400)÷ 5 (72÷9)÷(56÷8) 54 ÷ 9 ×8
280× 4 ÷5 60×8+1570 60×(23-17)
960÷4×9 350÷5×9 450÷5+1250
(6900-2400)÷5 75÷15+20×5 3090+6×6
(387-387)+0 160-160÷80 750+550÷5
(111+189)×3 125×8÷100 6×250×0
(1+7)×(16-6) 810×4÷4 33÷11+4×9
187+299-299 587+496-674 2660+26÷26
153÷153+657 32÷(32÷16) 300-(300-222)
75÷15+20×5 (150-75)×(25-20)
3390-10×95 687+(99-67)
1000+(1000-988) 3560+20×90
(250-150)÷(30÷6) 687+999÷3
(4870-3675)+7200÷9 (9467-5642)÷(350÷70)
The answer should be calculated by yourself!

Primary school grade three off 20


The perimeter of a rectangular piece of land is 24 meters. If the length and width are increased by 3 meters, how many square meters does the land area increase? There is no need to use the equation or the one-time equation

Draw a picture and have a look
The original sum of length and width is: 24 △ 2 = 12m
After the length and width are increased by 3 meters, the increased part can be divided into three parts
Two of them are two small rectangles, 3 meters in width, and the length is the length and width of the original rectangle
The area is the sum of the original length and width multiplied by 3
Another is a small square with a side length of 3 meters,
The total area has increased: 12 × 3 + 3 × 3 = 36 + 9 = 45 square meters

1 and one third + 2 and one fifteenth + 3 and one 35th + 4 and one 63rd + 5 and one 99th
Please write the process

=15+{2/3+2/15 +2/35+2/63+2/99}/2