What is the meaning of "icing on the cake" and "sending charcoal in the snow"?

What is the meaning of "icing on the cake" and "sending charcoal in the snow"?

Icing on the cake refers to giving others good things when they are in high spirits, while sending charcoal in the snow means helping others when they are in danger. Although these two idioms both refer to giving others things, they can get different effects with different situations and feelings

What do you mean, I just want to give you a helping hand in the snow, and I don't need the icing on the cake

[idiom]: send charcoal in the snow
[Pinyin]: Xu à zh à ng s à ng t à n
It means to give material or spiritual help to others when they are in urgent need

Hello, why do you say that you don't want to add icing on the cake, but you want to send charcoal in the snow? I'd like to know

Icing on the cake = icing on the cake, sending charcoal in the snow = finishing touch. Would you like to icing on the cake or finishing touch for others?

Simple operation problem
First question:
Second question:
2's Square x 3's Square ×... (I'm very lazy. I don't want to type it out. Just know, hee hee...)
Third question:

Question 1: 201120.11 / 2.011 × 201.1 = 201120.11 × (201.1 / 2.011) = 201120.11 × 100 = 20112011 question 2: 2 & sup2; × 3 & sup2; × 4 & sup2; × 5 & sup2; × 6 & sup2; × 7 & sup2; × 8 & sup2; × 9 & sup2; = (2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9) & sup2; = 362

Let's give some simple arithmetic questions for primary school students,
Let's make some simple calculation
1 3 step operation, can be simple, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, 2,3 or so, do not fraction ah
For example, 28 times 25 is equal to 4 times 25 times 7, which can be simple
Let's give them about 80 or more,

These are the fourth grade of simple operations, I hope useful

(one and two thirds + six and five eighths + two and three eighths) × (1-nine fourths)

=(one and two thirds + 9) × (1-nine fourths)
=(one and two thirds + 9) × 5 / 14

A simple arithmetic problem in primary school
3 / 5 divided by {(1 / 5 plus 1 / 3) divided by 2 / 9}
Here's how I do it
=3 / 5 divided by {(1 / 5 divided by 2 / 9 plus 1 / 3 divided by 2 / 9}
=3 / 5 divided by {9 / 10 plus 9 / 6}
=3 / 5 divided by 9 / 10 plus 3 / 5 divided by 9 / 6}
What's wrong? I use the law of distribution by multiplication. Is it not applicable in division? If it's wrong, please list the formula and explain the reason. Thank you for waiting online!

=3 / 5 divided by {9 / 10 plus 9 / 6} = 3 / 5 divided by 9 / 10 plus 3 / 5 divided by 9 / 6} wrong in this step = 16 / 15 should first calculate the following sum, if it is and divided by a number, it can be allocated, if it is a number divided by a sum, it can not be used

Several simple operation problems
8 4/7÷4
Please list the process

1. Original formula = 4.8 * 3.9 + 4.8 * 6.1
2. The original formula = 166-3 + 97 + 3
3. The original formula is 12 / 4
4. The original formula is 216 / 15 / (4 * 25) / 2
5. The original formula is 1 / 3 * 3 * 1 / 8 * 8
6. Original formula = 1 / 12 * (2 / 3 + 1 / 3)
7. Original formula = 1 / 4 * 0.2 + 1 / 4 * 0.8
8. Original formula = 0.72 * 58 + 0.72 * 42
Looking for the right person! I am the 19th of Guangzhou Olympic school!

7.48+3.17-(2.48-6.83) 7.6x7/4+17.5x6/25 1333305/2x88+880x133339/4
3.6x11.1+1.2x66.7 7.2x14.5+17x2.8 256x254/255+254x1/255

7.48+3.17-(2.48-6.83)=7.48-2.48+(3.17+6.83)=5+10=15 7.6x7/4+17.5x6/25 =7.6x1.75+1.75x2.4=(7.6+2.4)x1.75=10x1.75=17.51333305/2x88+880x133339/4=1333305x44+220x133339=1333305x44+44x666695=44x(1333305...

Simple calculation, several topics should be detailed
24 ÷ (1 / 2 + 1 / 3 + 1 / 6)=
1 / 3 △ 5 + 2 / 3 × 1 / 5=
0.5 ÷ [1 / 3 - (5 / 6-2 / 3)]=

1. The original formula = 24 △ 3 + 2 + 1) / 6 = 24 △ 1 = 24
2. Original formula = 1 / 3 * 1 / 5 + 2 / 3 * 1 / 5 = (1 + 2) / 15 = 1 / 5
3. The original formula = 1 / 2 ÷ (1 / 3 - (5-4) / 6) = 1 / 2 * 6 = 3
/It's a fraction line