Icing on the cake or sending charcoal in the snow?

Icing on the cake or sending charcoal in the snow?

It's better to send charcoal in the snow. Sometimes it's not true

You can't give four such words

Opportunity: opportunity; time: opportunity. A good opportunity can't be missed. Once lost, it won't come again
It means that the opportunity is rare. We must seize it and never miss it
Gradually unable to grow refers to the newly emerged bad things can not allow its development and growth
If you can't see it, you can see it from a distance; if you can see it, you can't get close to it
To look up but not to reach means to look up but not to approach
The joy is beyond description
Unspeakable refers to the pain is nothing more than words to describe
Pride cannot grow. Pride cannot grow
Stink can't be taken seriously: bear it. Stink is too much for people to bear
It stinks so much that people can't bear it
A sharp edge means the edge and point of a sword; a sharp edge means to block and bear. A sharp edge is pure, and nothing can bear it
Unattainable: to hold something high and climb up. It is difficult to reach even if it is high. It also describes that people are high and difficult to approach
I can't live a day in panic. I can't live a day in panic
The disease is incurable
Don't publicize the disgrace of your family
Can't wait to be too anxious to wait. To describe an urgent mind or situation
It's too dangerous to live a day
Indestructible, too strong to destroy
It can be seen but not reached or approached. It often refers to things that cannot be realized at present
Can not support: support. Happy to the point can not support. Describes the joy to the extreme
You can't have too much fun
Unbreakable, extremely strong and indestructible. Also used of people who are stubborn or conservative
Don't wait for the afterlife. Don't wait for the future
It's too wonderful to describe. It's too good to express in words or words
Skillful step: a step, extended to catch up. It means too skillful for others to catch up
Uncontrollable anger: to be uncontrollable in anger
It's hard to be emotional, but it's hard to be emotional
It's too deep to be measured. It's a metaphor for being unpredictable
Can not be when sharp: sharp; when: resist. Describes the momentum of courage, can not resist
If this can be tolerated, what can't be tolerated? It means never to be tolerated
Time is not lost: opportunity, opportunity; loss: miss. Seize the opportunity, not to be missed
Irresistible, the momentum is swift, irresistible
Vulgar: vulgar; tolerant: endurable. Vulgar is unbearable
Vulgarity is incurable. Vulgarity is deep and incurable
Summer insects can't talk about ice. They can't talk about ice with insects growing in summer
No matter what you do, you don't have a definite opinion
Stupidity: stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity
Knowing it can't be done, knowing it can't be done, but preferring to do it

Take some onomatopoeia

Who knows how to calculate these questions easily?

3) There is no solution for the moment

Seeking ratio and reducing ratio
Ratio: 2 / 4:5=______________ Simplification ratio: 4:2 / 5=_______________

4: 2 out of 5, that is, 2 out of 0.8. Divide the preceding term by the following term. 0.8 divided by 2 equals 0.4 or 2 out of 5
When the reduction ratio is increased by 10 times at the same time, it is 20 out of 8, then it is reduced, and divided by the greatest common divisor 4, it is 2 out of 5

Ratio reduction and ratio calculation
1. Simplification ratio
1 / 6: 1 / 5 = ()
2 / 3: 7 / 8=
2. Calculate the ratio
0.2:1 / 7=

1. Simplification ratio
1 / 6:1 / 5 = (5:6)
50:5 / 10 = 100:1
2 / 3:7 / 8 = 16:21
2. Calculate the ratio
15.7:5= 15.7/5=3.14
0.2:1 / 7 = 0.2 * 7 = 1.4

18: 27 | 38 of 95 | 2 / 3: 5 / 6 | 12: 8 / 9
------No need for simplification ratio------------------------------------------------
The following is to simplify the ratio and find the ratio
6.4:4.8 | 2. | 4 out of 35: 16 out of 21|
The ratio is calculated and simplified
The speed of sound in the air is 340 meters per second. The maximum speed of a jet bus is 578 meters per second
Write the ratio of edge length, ground area, surface area and volume of a and B cubes and simplify them
Small cube: 4cm long side, big cube, 6cm long side
Why do I have to answer after I've finished

Edge length ratio = 4 / 6 = 2 / 3 area ratio = 16 / 36 = 4 / 9 surface area ratio = 96 / 216 = 4 / 9
Volume ratio = 64 / 216 = 8 / 27

Seeking ratio and simplifying ratio
(1) What is the ratio of 3 / 2:0.75
(2) What is the ratio of 0.8:4 / 15
Simplification ratio
(1) 1 / 4: 15
(2) 12:3 / 4 reduction ratio

Original formula = 3 / 0.75 / 2 = 2
Original formula = 0.8 * 4 / 15 = 3
Original formula = 1 / 15 / 4 = 1 / 60
Original formula = 12 * 4 / 3 = 16

The significance of simplification ratio

Reduction ratio refers to the simplest integer ratio, such as
Pay attention to the score

Please summarize your problem here, simplify first, and then evaluate 1 / 3A ^ 2B + 5a-2 (3AB ^ 2-A ^ 2b) - 3 (3a-4ab ^ 2)
Where a = - 3, B = - 1 / 2

Original formula = 7 / 3 × a ^ 2b-4a + 6ab ^ 2