Is there a word easy to use by the police, or is there a typo in it

Is there a word easy to use by the police, or is there a typo in it

It's not "the police are easy to lift", but "the police are easy to lift" (Q í ng). It means that many people work together and it's easy to lift things. It means that it's easy to do things with concerted efforts

Please give an example of the usage and meaning of "Er" in classical Chinese

(1) (1) six crabs kneel and two claws, which is not the cave of snake and eel. There is no one to send. (2) the sword Pavilion is towering but Cui Wei. One man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand people are not allowed to open. (3) the five tyrants are fighting to save Zhao in the north but Qin in the West

What are the explanations of "Ju" in ancient Chinese prose?

● lift
(for example)
Up lift, up support: head. Hand. Weight. Chess uncertain
Action: stop, light and easy
Initiate, set up
Put forward: to
Whole: country, world and family
In ancient times, it refers to the selection of scholars by imperial examination
Conquering "Yan and Ying in the first World War"

Several calculation problems (simple calculation)
95 / 97 * 63 8 1 / 2 + 6.85 + 1.6 + 2 3 / 20
(108 + 45 and 72 / 73) divided by 9, 12 and 3 / 4 divided by 1 and 1 / 5 + 5.25 * 5 / 6

95 / 97 * 63 = 5985 / 97 = (61 * 97 + 68) / 97 = 68 (8 + 1 / 2) + 6.85 + 1.6 + (2 + 3 / 20) = 8.5 + 6.85 + 1.6 + 2.15 = (8.5 + 1.6) + (6.85 + 2.15) = 10.1 + 9 = 19.1 [108 + (45 + 72 / 73)] / 9 = 108 / 9 + 45 / 9 + (72 / 73) / 9 = 12 + 5 + 8 / 73 = 17 + 8 / 73 = 17 and 8 (12 + 3 / 4) / (1

Several simple calculation problems
Need simple calculation, please everyone to fast

=9.81x0.1 + 5x9.81 + 4.9x9.81
=7.8x20 (simple calculation here is △ 0.05, i.e. △ 1 / 20, i.e. X20)

About a few simple calculation problems! Urgent!
1-2+3-4+5-6+7-8+… -98+99
There should be a process, thank you!
Add another:
How many parts can you divide a rectangle into by drawing 20 lines in it?

1: First of all, you need to know the calculation formula of 11 × 11 type problems, such as 11 × 11 = 121, 111 × 111 = 123211111 × 1111 = 1234321. I believe you have seen the law, then the first problem is well solved, 222222 × 5555 = 2 × 111111 × 5 × 111111 = 2 × 5 × 111111 × 111111 = 10 × 123

Several simple mathematical calculation problems
1. Calculate (what can be calculated simply should be calculated simply)
8/15÷4×3/7 4/5×7/10+ 4/5×3/10
(44+ 11/12)÷11/12 30-1.6÷4/15
(1-7/15×6/7)÷1/3 98×5/97
11/6÷(7/10+ 4/5)÷2/3 3/8- 7/15×3/8
2. Solve the following equation
x÷4/5=15/28 9/10x=3/40×8/21
1/4+ 4x=5/16 x-2/5x=9

1.2/35 4/5 49 24 41/30 490/97 55/6 1/5
2.75/112 2/63 1/16 15

Give me 200 calculation questions, and 100 application questions should be simple

Simple calculation and application problems in Mathematics
Simple calculation: 1 ^ (2 ^) 3 ^ (3 ^) 4 ^ (4 ^) 5 ^ (5 ^) 6 ^ (6 ^) 7 ^ (7 ^) 8
It takes 10 days to build a highway, but it takes less than 2 days. It is known that the actual construction is 1.5 kilometers more than the original plan. How many kilometers is the highway long?

The first question on the second floor is wrong. How can there be an extra 2? There is only one 2
10-2 = 8 days
1.5 * 8 = 12 km
12 / 2 = 6 km
10 * 6 = 60 km

Calculation: (1) 1002 - (2522-2482); (2) 39.82-2 × 39.8 × 49.8 + 49.82

(1) Original formula = 1002 - (252 + 248) (252-248) = 10000-500 × 4 = 8000; (2) original formula = (39.8-49.8) 2 = 100