Is inflation the same as currency depreciation

Is inflation the same as currency depreciation

The inflation rate is the ratio of the excess amount of money to the actual amount of money needed to reflect the degree of inflation and currency devaluation

The relationship between inflation rate and currency depreciation rate
Are they the same? If I have 100 yuan now and the annual inflation rate is 5%, how much is my 100 yuan in five years

That is, how much is now 100 yuan five years later. X (F / P, 5%, 5) = 100; (F / P, 5%, 5) = 1.276; X = 78.37
That is, in the second year, 100x95% = 95; in the third year, 95x95% = 90.25; in the third year, 90.25x95% = 85.737; in the fourth year, 85.737x95% = 81.45; in the fifth year, 81.45x95% = 78.37

How to distinguish inflation rate from currency depreciation rate?

Inflation is related to the demand for money in circulation: that is, the percentage of frequently occurring money in circulation flux, 20% of every 100 circulating money is frequently occurring, that is, 20%
Inflation = (circulation demand in circulation) / demand in circulation
The devaluation of banknotes is due to more banknotes in circulation, so it is related to the circulation of banknotes: that is, the percentage of multiple banknotes in circulation is 20% for every 100 banknotes issued
Devaluation rate of paper currency = (circulation - demand in circulation) / circulation of paper currency

Two adjacent odd numbers, the larger number is 40% more than the decimal, the sum of these two numbers is


The two adjacent odd numbers are 40% less than the decimal number. What is the larger number?


Two adjacent odd numbers, the decimal is 40% smaller than the large number, what is the product of these two odd numbers?

Large number = 2 △ 40% = 5
Decimal = 5-2 = 3
Product = 5 × 3 = 15

Two consecutive odd numbers. The decimal is 8% less than the large number. What are the two numbers

Hello, Lanqin apple!
Let X be the decimal place
The two numbers are 25 and 27, respectively

A mathematical problem: when the large and small numbers subtract half of the decimal, the difference of the former is three times that of the latter, so how many times is the large number?

When you subtract half of the decimal from all the decimals, you get half of the decimal
And "the difference of the former is three times of the difference of the latter", the greater number minus half of the decimals = three times of half of the decimals = 1.5 times of the decimals
So large number = 2 times of decimal

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 54, the decimal is half of the large number, what are the two numbers

The two numbers are 54 and 108 respectively

What is the actual meaning of decimals in life
For example: 1.25 yuan
The actual meaning of his height of 1.55 meters

1.25 yuan means 25 cents a piece
1.55m refers to one meter 55cm