Expression of power function f (x) passing through point m (3, √ 3)

Expression of power function f (x) passing through point m (3, √ 3)

F (x) = half power of X

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It is known that the definition field of function f (x) is (negative infinity, 0) and (0, positive infinity). For any x1, X2 in the definition field, f (x1x2) = f (x1) + F (x2), and when x > 1, f (x) > 0
(1) It is proved that f (x) is an even function;
(2) It is proved that f (x) is an increasing function on (0, positive infinity);
(3) Try to compare the size of F (- 5 / 2) and f (7 / 4)

Prove: let X1 = x2 = 1 substitute f (x1x2) = f (x1) + F (x2) (*) to get f (1) = f (1) + F (1), so f (1) = 0 take x ≠ 0, in (*), let X1 = 1 / x, X2 = x, then 0 = f (1) = f [(1 / x) · x] = f (1 / x) + F (x) ≠ f (1 / x) = - f (x). Prove that f (x) is an even function: obviously, the domain of definition is symmetric about the origin

What are the five ways to find quantitative relationship in fraction (percentage) application questions
How to find the quantitative relationship in the sixth grade score (percentage) application questions

There are five basic types of problem-solving methods
1、 What is the percentage of a number?
Methods: Unit 1 × corresponding fraction = comparative quantity
1、 If you know the percentage of a number, find the number
Methods: the comparison amount △ corresponding fraction = Unit 1;
Or let the number (unit 1) be x, and solve the equation
3、 Among the conditions, there are "more (less) percentage (several percentage)",
Ask: standard quantity (unit 1) or comparative quantity?
Methods: (1) unit 1 ± unit 1 × n% = comparison volume
(2) Unit 1 × (1 ± n%) = comparative quantity
(3) Comparison quantity (1 ± n%) = unit one
Unit one is the method (1) (2) for the existing condition and method (3) for the unknown condition. Let the standard quantity be X
4、 How many percent more (less) than?
Methods: the difference number △ unit 1
5、 What percentage of (or equivalent to) "
Methods: compare the quantity and unit 1
It is suggested that the unit "1" is the total amount, i.e. the total amount, in the questions of oil yield, germination rate, accuracy rate, survival rate, attendance rate and salt content

Eighth grade physics problems of average speed formula with the same time
(1) The average velocity formula of the same time
(2) Average speed class with the same distance
(3) Average speed class of multi segment distance (different distance)

(2) 2s/( s/v1+s/v2)=2v1v2/(v1+v2)
(3) V = s total / T total

How to solve the application problem of fractional multiplication and division? How to list the quantity relation

Fraction problem is an important part of primary school mathematics volume 11. At the beginning of learning, some students find it difficult, especially when they mix fraction multiplication and division problem, they often can't tell which method to choose. In order to help students learn this part of knowledge well, I'll teach you two "thieves"

All the formulas of speed in physics compulsory one of senior high school

1、 Motion of particle (1) --- linear motion
1) Uniform linear motion
1. Average velocity v = s / T (definition) 2. Useful inference vt2-vo2 = 2As
3. Velocity at intermediate time VT / 2 = vplat = (VT + VO) / 2 4. Final velocity VT = VO + at
5. Middle position velocity vs / 2 = [(VO2 + vt2) / 2] 1 / 2 6. Displacement S = V flat t = VOT + at2 / 2 = VT / 2T
7. Acceleration a = (VT VO) / T {with VO as the positive direction, a and VO are in the same direction (acceleration) a > 0; if a is in the opposite direction, a

The basic quantitative relationship of the three types of practical problems you have learned is: 1, 2, 3
Can you give examples of these three relationships in simple sentences

Class I: scoring rate (percentage)
The quantity relation is: comparative quantity △ quantity of unit "1" = percentage (percentage)
The second type: finding the quantity of unit "1"
The formula of quantity relation is: the quantity of comparison / the fraction corresponding to the quantity of comparison = the quantity of unit "1"
The third kind: seeking the comparative quantity
The quantity relation is: the quantity of unit "1" × the percentage corresponding to the comparison quantity = the comparison quantity

The total distance of skiing is s, the time of moving on the slope T1, the time of moving on the horizontal T2
Ask (1)

(1) First, draw a V-T diagram. The maximum velocity is half of the average velocity
The average velocity is v = s / (T1 + T2)
Then the maximum velocity is 2V, average = 2S / (T1 + T2)
(2) Because the formula VT = VO + at
So the acceleration on the slope is Vmax = 0 + A * T1
A1 = Vmax / T1
The acceleration in the falling section is 0 = Vmax - at2
A2 = Vmax / T2
So the acceleration ratio is A1 / A2 = T2 / T1
(3) Since the average velocity on the slope is the same as that on the horizontal plane, the displacement ratio is the time ratio T1 / T2
I'm tired of beating. I didn't do anything wrong - -|||

The basic quantity relation of fraction application questions: the quantity of unit "1" × -------- = the corresponding quantity of share rate

Quantity of unit "1" × fraction = part
Quantity of part △ unit "1" = fraction
Unit "1" = part / fraction