With a 120cm iron wire just welded into a cube frame, how long is the edge of the cube?

With a 120cm iron wire just welded into a cube frame, how long is the edge of the cube?

Let the edge length be a,

Use a 120 cm long wire to make a cube frame. How long is its edge

10 cm

Mathematics problem with a piece of wire can do a 7 cm long, 6 cm wide, 5 cm high cuboid frame, with this piece of wire to do a cube frame, this cube frame
What is the volume

Edge length: (7 + 6 + 5) × 4 △ 12 = 6cm
Volume: 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 CC

Use 60 cm long iron wire to weld into a cube frame. The edge length of the cube frame is (); if you cover all sides of the cube with white paper, to
Use less white paper () square centimeter, or () square decimeter; the volume of this cube is () cubic centimeter, or () cubic decimeter.

Use 60 cm long iron wire to weld a cube frame. The edge length of the cube frame is (5 cm); if you cover all sides of the cube with white paper, at least use white paper (150) square centimeter, or (1.5) square decimeter; the volume of the cube is (125) cubic centimeter, or (0.125) cubic decimeter

A square frame with an edge length of 8 cm is just welded with a piece of iron wire. If a cuboid frame with a length of 10 cm and a width of 7 cm is welded with this piece of iron wire,
How high should it be?

Wire length = 8 × 12 = 96 (CM)
Height of cuboid = 96 △ 4-10-7 = 7 (CM)
A: its height should be 7 cm

Use a piece of iron wire to weld a cube frame with an edge length of 8 cm. If you use this iron wire to weld a cube frame with a length of 13 cm and a height of 4 cm, it is a good idea
What is the width of the cuboid frame

8 × 12 = 96 cm
96 △ 4 = 24 cm
24-13-4 = 7 cm

With 60 cm long wire welded into a cube frame, the cube's edge length is () cm

With 60 cm long wire welded into a cube frame, the cube's edge length is (5) cm
Analysis: 12 edges of cube are equal in length

The greatest common factor of () is 1
A: Two different odd numbers B: two different prime numbers
c: An odd number and an even number d: a prime number and a composite number

The greatest common factor of (b) is 1
A: Two different odd numbers B: two different prime numbers
c: An odd number and an even number d: a prime number and a composite number

A car drove from a to B, and a motorcycle also drove from a to B two hours later. As a result, the motorcycle arrived at B 0.5 hours later. In order to know that the speed of the car is less than 20 km / h, and the motorcycle is twice as fast as the car, the distance between a and B should be calculated

Let the distance be x km
Multiply 40 at the same time to get:
A: the distance between Party A and Party B is 60 km

Math, online, etc
1. Car a and car B start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. When they are 5 hours old, they meet at the gate of the stadium. If car a starts 0.5 hours earlier and car B travels 4 kilometers more per hour than before, they still meet at the gate of the stadium. If car B starts 0.5 hours later and car a travels 4 kilometers less per hour than before, they meet again at the gate of the stadium, How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?
One variable linear equation, OK?

X, y
Total distance: 5x + 5Y
0.5y=4.5*4 y=36
0.5x=5.5*4 x=44
Therefore, the total distance is: 5 * 80 = 400