Calculation formula of impact force When a steel ball with a diameter of 50 mm and a weight of 0.51 kg falls from the height h (1.3 m) to produce impact, how many nm impact energy will it produce

Calculation formula of impact force When a steel ball with a diameter of 50 mm and a weight of 0.51 kg falls from the height h (1.3 m) to produce impact, how many nm impact energy will it produce

Aren't you bluffing? Isn't nm J? Is 50mm useful? Do you want to calculate air resistance?
There is also "impact energy". Not to mention what is smashed, how can it be regarded as impact energy?
Its energy is 0.51kg * 0.98m/s ^ 2 * 1.3m
It's hard to say his impact energy. If it's hard enough, the impact energy can still be zero. If it's soft enough, the impact energy can reach the maximum value calculated above

Physical formula of force, formula of work of action

Useful work w = GH total work w = f / S

People's education press ninth grade volume I physicochemical key content and formula (chemical equation) urgent! Please is physics and chemistry Oh! If there is mathematics with good, I will add reward points!

The combustion of magnesium in air: 2mg + O2 ignites 2MgO 2, iron in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites fe3o43, aluminum in air: 4Al + 3O2 ignites 2al2o34, hydrogen in air: 2h2 + O2 ignites 2h2o5, red phosphorus in air: 4P + 5o2

The formula of the first volume physics book of grade nine

Ohm's law I = u / R, u = IR, electric power P = UI = I2R = U2 / r = w / T, electric energy w = uit = Pt, electric heating q = i2rt

1. Be comprehensive. 2. Be concise. Don't copy or read too much

Physics: q = cm Δ t q = MQ I = u / R W = FS w you = GH P = w / t η = w you / w total × 100%

Knowledge points. First: how to find w total, w useful, w extra. Second: find the formula in Chapter 13 of Volume 1 of grade 9
The first is how to find the total, useful and extra of W. the second is how to find the formula in Chapter 13 of Volume 1 of grade 9. (the formula should be expressed in letters and words)

Wtotal = fs (F is the dynamic force acting on the machine, s is the distance of the moving point of the dynamic force)
W = GH (G is the gravity of the object lifted by the machine, h is the distance of the object rising)
W extra = w total - W useful
(2)W=FS F=W/S S=W/F
P=W/t W=Pt t=W/P
N = w useful / W total x 100% (n is mechanical efficiency)

The formula of physics and electricity
All electrical formulas (including backward ones) urgent!

The series connection of resistors has the following characteristics: (1) current: I = I1 = I2 (the current in each part of the series circuit is equal); 2) voltage: u = U1 + U2 (the total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages); 3) resistance: r = R1 + R2 (the total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistances)

What does the angular velocity equal to 2 π in the period mean?
Can it be written as 360 degrees?
Can it be written as 360 degrees? Can it be written as 360 degrees?
Can it be written as 360 degrees?
Can it be written as 360 degrees?
Can it be written as 360 degrees?

Radian system is a way to express the angle by numbers. 2 π is 360 ° in itself, but 360 ° is an angle unit, which is not convenient for unit unification, so instead of writing 360 ° write 2 π. For details, you can see the required four of mathematics or Baidu Encyclopedia radian system
It can't be written as 360 ° because of the unit system

Send the angular velocity formula and period formula in the book,

ω=2πn=2π/T n=1/T

What are the angular and linear velocities of the earth's rotation and revolution

The angular velocity of rotation is 15 degrees per hour, and the linear velocity is 1670km per hour at the equator; 1447km per hour at 30 degrees north and south latitude; 837km per hour at 60 degrees north and south latitude
The angular velocity of revolution is 1 degree / 24 hours (a solar day)
The average linear speed is about 30 km / s